
ISBN 978-606-33-2023-1 / 9786063320231

Limba modernă 2 – Limba Engleză.
Manual pentru clasa a 5-a.
Editura Litera.
Fiona Mauchlin.
Daniel Morris.
Catherine Smith.
Ana-Magdalena Iordăchescu.
Mariana Stoenescu.

Manualul tipărit
este însoțit de un CD care
cuprinde varianta digitală, având
un conținut similar variantei tipărite.
În plus, pe CD se găsesc o serie
de activităţi multimedia interactive
de învăţare (exerciţii interactive,
jocuri educaţionale, animaţii,
filme, simulări).
Manual pentru clasa a V-a ISBN 978-606-33-2023-1
Tradit,ie din 1989
Limba modernă
2 – Limba engleză clasa a V-a
Limba modernă 2
Limba engleză
Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educației Naționale.
Acest manual școlar este realizat în conformitate cu Programa școlară aprobată
prin OM Nr. 3393 din 28.02.2017.
116.111 – numărul de telefon de asistenţă pentru copii
Manual pentru clasa a V-a
Limba modernă 2
Limba engleză
Limba modernă 2. Limba engleză. Manual pentru clasa a V-a
Fiona Mauchline, Daniel Morris, Catherine Smith, Ana-Magdalena Iordăchescu, Mariana Stoenescu
Referenţi știinţifici: prof. univ. dr. Bogdan Ștefănescu – Departamentul de Engleză, Facultatea de Limbi și literaturi străine,
Universitatea din București
prof. dr. gr. I Mihaela-Raluca Ionescu – Școala Gimnazială nr. 119 din București
Prelucrare după:
All Clear, Student’s Book © MacMillan Publishers Limited/ Fiona Mauchline și Daniel Morris, 2015
All Clear, Workbook © MacMillan Publishers Limited/ Fiona Mauchline și Catherine Smith, 2015
Ediţie publicată sub licenţă. Ediţiile originale au fost publicate pentru prima dată în 2015
de MacMillan Publishers Limited
Copyright © 2017 Grup Media Litera
Toate drepturile rezervate
Editura Litera
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Corector: Carmen Bîtlan
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Jürgen Otto (peacock spider p. 25)
Copertă: Vlad Panfilov
Tehnoredactare: Olimpia Bolozan, Banu Gheorghe
Manualul școlar a fost aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului Educaţiei Naţionale nr. 4863/06.09.2017.
Manualul este distribuit elevilor în mod gratuit, atât în format tipărit, cât și digital, și este transmisibil timp de patru ani școlari,
începând cu anul școlar 2017–2018.
Inspectoratul școlar ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Școala/Colegiul/Liceul .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Anul Numele elevului Clasa Anul școlar
Aspectul manualului*
format tipărit format digital
la primire la predare la primire la predare
* Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre următorii termeni: nou, bun, îngrijit, neîngrijit, deteriorat.
• Cadrele didactice vor verifica dacă informaţiile înscrise în tabelul de mai sus sunt corecte.
• Elevii nu vor face niciun fel de însemnări pe manual.
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României
Limba modernă 2 – limba engleză: manual
pentru clasa a V-a / Fiona Maucheline, Daniel Morris,
Catherine Smith, Ana-Magdalena Iordăchescu,
Mariana Stoenescu. – București: Litera, 2017
ISBN 978-606-33-2023-1
I. Mauchline, Fiona
II. Morris, Daniel
III. Smith, Catherine
IV. Iordăchescu, Ana-Magdalena
V. Stoenescu, Mariana

Pagina 3.
Page 3.

Programa școlară pentru disciplina LIMBA MODERNĂ 2 clasa a 5-a.
School curriculum for MODERN LANGUAGE 2, 5th grade.

Competenţe generale.
General competences.
1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple..
1. Recognize simple oral messages..
2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală..
2. Oral communication in routine exchanges..
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple..
3. Recognize simple, written messages..
4. Redactarea de mesaje simple în situaţii de comunicare uzuală..
4. Write simple messages in routine exchanges..

Competenţe specifice..
Specific competences..
1.1. Oferirea unei reacții non-verbale adecvate, la salut / o întrebare / instrucțiune simplă rostită clar și rar..
1.1. Provide an appropriate non-verbal reaction to a clearly and slowly articulated greeting / question / simple instruction..
1.2. Recunoașterea unor repere spațiale (stânga, dreapta, aici, acolo, pe, sub, în, în fața, în spatele)..
1.2. Recognize spatial cues (left, right, here, there, on, under, in, in front of, behind)..
1.3. Identificarea unor aspecte culturale simple..
1.3. Identify some elementary cultural aspects..
2.1. Reproducerea unor formule / unor mesaje simple și scurte, respectând pronunția și intonația specifice..
2.1. Reproduce language structures / simple short messages using specific pronunciation and intonation..
2.2. Participarea la dialoguri simple în contexte de necesitate imediată..
2.2. Participate in simple dialogues in areas of immediate need..
2.3. Prezentarea unui obiect / unei persoane / unui personaj prin identificare..
2.3. Introduce and identify a person / character / object..
2.4. Manifestarea disponibilității de a explora noi modele articulatorii / de intonație și accent..
2.4. Manifest willingness to explore new models of pronunciation, intonation and stress..
3.1. Recunoaşterea semnificaţiei unor fraze uzuale tipice pentru viaţa cotidiană..
3.1. Recognize the meaning of common phrases typical for everyday life..
3.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei globale a unui text simplu pe teme familiare..
3.2. Identify the global meaning of a simple text on familiar topics..
3.3. Descifrarea unor mesaje simple familiare primite de la prieteni, colegi, profesor, în situații uzuale..
3.3. Understand simple, familiar, widely used messages from friends, schoolmates, teacher..
3.4. Manifestarea curiozității pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple..
3.4. Manifest curiosity to decode simple written messages..
4.1. Scrierea unei felicitări de ziua cuiva sau pentru o sărbătoare..
4.1. Write a card for someone’s birthday or for a holiday..
4.2. Redactarea unui mesaj simplu către un coleg / prieten..
4.2. Write a simple message to a classmate / friend..
4.3. Participarea la proiecte de grup în care se elaborează, cu sprijin, mesaje scurte..
4.3. Participate in group projects to write short guided messages..

Pagina 4.
Page 4.

What’s in this textbook? Let’s take a tour!
Ce cuprinde acest manual? Să facem o trecere în revistă!
This textbook takes children beyond learning a
foreign language. Students learn strategies that
will make them effective and independent learners
of English. The course offers flexible learning by
providing language and content with a complete
range of components and use of up-to-date
technology. A Digibook is also included.
Acest manual le oferă copiilor mai mult decât învăţarea
unei limbi străine. Elevii învaţă strategii care îi vor
ajuta să devină eficienţi și independenţi în studiul
limbii engleze. Manualul oferă flexibilitate în învăţare,
limbaj și conţinut, precum și o gamă completă de
componente de învăţare și utilizare a tehnologiei
moderne. Cursul este însoţit de manualul digital.
This Student’s Book includes:
√ A starter unit of five pages.
√ Eight modules of nine pages followed by one page
of Progress check.
√ A two-page Round up for revision and consolidation
after modules 2, 4, 6, 8.
√ A calendar of celebrations in the UK.
√ Four Writing guides of two pages each.
√ Three collaborative projects of two pages each.
√ Four pages of Final revisions at the end of the
√ One page of jokes, riddles, limericks and tongue
√ Eight pages of language reference containing
vocabulary, grammar and speaking.
√ A Digibook CD-ROM.
Manualul elevului include:
√ Modulul introductiv de cinci pagini.
√ Opt module de nouă pagini, urmate de câte
o pagină de evaluare.
√ Câte două pagini de recapitulare și consolidare
după modulele 2, 4, 6, 8.
√ Un calendar al sărbătorilor din Marea Britanie.
√ Patru ghiduri de scriere de câte două pagini.
√ Trei proiecte de grup de câte două pagini.
√ Patru pagini de recapitulări finale la sfârșitul manualului.
√ O pagină de glume, ghicitori, limerick-uri și exerciţii
de dicţie.
√ Opt pagini de trimiteri la studiul limbii care
sistematizează noţiunile de vocabular, gramatică
și comunicare.
√ Un CD-ROM cu manualul în format digital.
The printed version Varianta tipărită
The Vocabulary is introduced through representative
pictures and recorded so that students can practice the
Vocabularul este prezentat prin intermediul unor imagini
reprezentative și al unor înregistrări astfel încât elevii să
poată exersa pronunţia.
The Reading texts are informative and interesting
and show the language in context. They promote
communication skills and enjoyment of reading.
Textele de Exersarea citirii, bogate în informaţii și interesante,
ilustrează limba în context. Ele promovează abilităţile
de comunicare și bucuria lecturii.
The Grammar is presented with clear grammar tables.
Graded exercises help students practise the form and
meaning of the grammar.
Gramatica este prezentată în tabele clare. Exerciţii cu grade
diferite de dificultate îi ajută pe elevi să exerseze noţiunile
de gramatică predate.
Present simple
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers Long form Short form
I eat I do not eat I don’t eat Do I eat … ? Yes, I do.
You eat You do not eat You don’t eat Do you eat … ? No, you don’t.
He eats He does not eat He doesn’t eat Does he eat … ? Yes, he does.
She eats She does not eat She doesn’t eat Does she eat … ? No, she doesn’t.
It eats It does not eat It doesn’t eat Does it eat … ? Yes, it does.
We eat We do not eat We don’t eat Do we eat … ? No, we don’t.
You eat You do not eat You don’t eat Do you eat … ? Yes, you do.
They eat They do not eat They don’t eat Do they eat … ? No, they don’t.
1 Write the correct word in your notebook.
1 My sister eat / eats apples every day!
2 They contain / contains vitamin C.
3 Your body need / needs vitamin C for
4 Some animals produce / produces
vitamin C.
2 Copy and complete the sentences with the
affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I … (eat) cereal for breakfast.
2 She … (drink) two litres of water every
3 They … (eat) healthy pizzas.
4 He … (go) home for lunch.
5 Oil in the skin … (cause) acne.
Rules Be careful with the -s in he / she / it forms:
He doesn’t drink water. ✓
He doesn’t drinks water. ✗
3 Copy and complete the sentences with the
negative form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I … (eat) vegetables.
2 She … (drink) juice.
3 Water … (contain) fat.
4 My uncle … (eat) Mexican food.
5 My brother and sister … (eat) fruit.
4 Copy and complete the text with the
affirmative or negative form of the verbs
in brackets. What is the text about?
Your body (1)… (need) this. It (2)… (not contain)
fat or sugar. Doctors (3)… (say) ‘Drink eight
glasses every day.’ It (4)… (not give) you energy,
but it (5)… (help) you to be healthy.
Rules In short answers, don’t repeat the main verb:
Do you drink milk?
Yes, I do. ✓ Yes, I drink. ✗
5 Copy and complete the questions with
Do or Does. Then write short answers that
are true for you in your notebook.
… you have breakfast every day?
Do you have breakfast every day? Yes, I do.
1 … you drink juice?
2 … you and your friends eat pizza?
3 … your best friend drink milk every day?
4 … your friends eat fish?
5 … your teacher eat chocolate in the
6 In pairs ask and answer the
questions from exercise 5.
Read this fast!
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does it
Find more tongue twisters at page 120.
Places in town
1 Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1–14.
chemist’s • church • cinema • hotel • library • museum • newsagent’s • restaurant • school • shoe
shop • shopping centre • sports centre • supermarket • underground station
1 3
2 Listen to the six sounds. Match
them with the places from exercise 1.
1 – underground station
3 Listen to Emma and Alex. Where does Alex go at the weekend?
4 In pairs, ask questions about the places in your town. Use the words in the box.
at the weekend after school with your friends with your parents
Where do you go at the weekend? I go to the cinema.
7 5
Fact book
1 Read and listen. Which city has a famous
football stadium?
2 Read the text again. Match 1–5 with a–e. Write them
in your notebook.
1 a mountain a) the Adelphi
2 a football team b) the Sugar Loaf
3 a river c) Everton
4 a music group d) the Mersey
5 a hotel e) The Beatles
3 Write true or false in your notebook.
Copy the sentences with the information.
1 There’s a river in Rio.
2 Rio is popular with tourists.
3 There are beaches near Liverpool.
4 There’s a carnival in Liverpool.
5 There are only two museums in Liverpool.
Facts The Sugar Loaf mountain is 396 metres
• LIVERPOOL is also near the sea and the River Mersey.
There aren’t any mountains near Liverpool, but there are
beaches. Music is very important and some famous music
groups come from here, like The Beatles. Liverpool also has a
carnival. There’s a famous hotel called The Adelphi and there
are some interesting museums like the Maritime Museum and
the Slavery Museum. There are two big football teams
— Liverpool and Everton. It’s the favourite sport here, too!
• RIO DE JANEIRO means ‘January River’, but there isn’t
a river there! It is near the sea and there are some incredible
beaches. There’s also a famous mountain called the Sugar
Loaf. Every year, there’s a huge carnival with music, food,
dancing and street parties. People love football here and
there’s a big football stadium called the Maracanã. There’s
also a lot of tourism. For tourists, there are fantastic
museums, shopping centres and restaurants.
Some cities have a twin city in another country.
Rio de Janeiro and Liverpool are twin cities.
They are very different, but they are also similar — just like human twins!
Word Check
twin cities also slavery teams
Let’s sing!
Follow this link: https://www.youtube.
Listen to ”The song of Brazil”.
a) In your notebook, copy the lyrics with
verbs in the Present simple.
b) Bring the song to the class to sing and
Module 4 47
Vocabulary Reading
The Culture section highlights different aspects of life
in a variety of English – speaking countries.
Textele din secţiunea Cultură evidenţiază diverse aspecte
ale vieţii din ţări în care se vorbește limba engleză.
The Writing page provides a model for diff erent
text types.
Paginile de Redactare oferă un model pentru diferite tipuri
de texte.
The Speaking section introduces the foreign language in
routine exchanges.
Pagina dedicată Exprimării orale introduce limba modernă
în situaţii de comunicare uzuală.
The content of the digital version of the Student’s book
(The Digibook) is similar to the one in the printed version
and it also includes a range of interactive multimedia
learning activities (static, animated, interactive).
Forma electronică a manualului școlar are un conţinut
similar celei tipărite și cuprinde, în plus, o serie de activităţi
multimedia de învăţare (statice, animate, interactive).
This icon helps you identify the pages containing
multimedia learning activities.
Acest simbol te ajută să identifici paginile din manual
cu activităţi multimedia de învăţare.
The Digibook Varianta digitală
AMII static
AMII static
AMII animat
AMII animat
AMII interactiv
AMII interactiv
Speaking Speaking
Model dialogue
1 Talk about going out Read the information and choose a match.
2 Prepare a dialogue Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak In pairs, practise your dialogue.
Hi! Are you free today? Yes, I am. Why?
Speaking Task
1 Read the dialogue. What time does the
match start?
2 In pairs, make up similar dialogues.
Model Dialogue odel dialogue
Making arrangements / Going out
3 Write the sentences in the correct order in
your notebook.
a) Yes, I am. Why?
b) Do you want to come to a tennis match?
c) Let’s meet at two o’clock then. 6
d) OK. When does it start?
e) Hi, Alice! Are you free today? 1
f) The match starts at three o’clock.
Hi, Alice! Are you free today?
Do you want to come to a football
The match starts at three o’clock.
Good idea. See you then.
Let’s meet at two o’clock then.
OK. When does it start?
Yes, I am. Why?
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Module 6 73
An essay
1 Read the Model Text and listen. What
is Jade’s favourite school subject?
My name’s Jade. I’m 13 years old and I live in
New York. I go to high school. I’m good at
music and I can play the drums. I often
practise at school because there are good
music rooms.
On a school day, I always get up at half past
six because I start school at eight o’clock.
I have a shower, get dressed and have
I sometimes play the drums for a few
minutes before school!
My favourite school subject is ICT because
I love computers and technology.
Model Text
Writing Task 2 Look at the Tips. Find examples of
because in the Model Text.
Tips because
We use because to give a reason:
I often practise at school because there
are good music rooms.
3 Match 1–3 with a–c. Then rewrite
them in your notebook using
My favourite subject is PE because
I love sport.
1 I always get up at seven o’clock.
2 I play the piano every day.
3 I’m good at French.
a) I start school at half past eight.
b) My dad is French.
c) I want to be a musician.
1 Plan Make notes about yourself and include:
Name, age and town My name’s … . I’m … years old
and I live in …
School I go to … school.
Abilities I can … / I’m good at …
Routine I always … I sometimes …
Favourite subject My favourite subject is … because …
2 Write Use the Model Text, your notes and this structure:
Paragraph 1 Name, age, town, school and abilities
Paragraph 2 School day routine
Paragraph 3 Favourite subject
3 Check
present simple with adverbs of frequency
vocabulary for daily routines and school subjects
Go to the Writing guide 3 on page 106
to practise your writing skills.
Culture Reading
1 Read and listen. Write true or false in your notebook.
Copy the sentences with the information.
1 UK students usually have 13 weeks of holiday every year.
2 A typical school day lasts five hours.
3 Students have assembly every day.
4 Students usually wear special clothes at school.
5 Most students call their teachers by their first name.
2 What are the differences between your school and
secondary schools in the UK?
can / can’t
a Listen and repeat. Can you hear the difference?
1 Students can go to after-school clubs.
2 Students can’t go to after-school clubs.
b Listen and write the correct words in your notebook.
1 They can / can’t speak French.
2 My sister can / can’t play the piano.
3 He can / can’t play football.
4 I can / can’t paint.
SCHOOLS In the UK, the school year starts in September
and finishes in July. Students have a six-week
holiday in the summer and two weeks at both
Christmas and Easter. They also have a oneweek
holiday in October, February and May.
A typical day starts at quarter to nine and finishes
at quarter past three. Students always have
registration first and sometimes they have assembly
before classes. Lunch is usually at half past twelve.
After school, students can go to after-school clubs.
At most schools, students wear a uniform and they
never call their teachers by their first name. They
always call them Mr, Mrs or Miss and their surname,
for example Mr Smith.
Home About News Subjects Search this site
About > UK Secondary schools
Module 5 65
Every module is followed by a Progress check to revise
vocabulary and grammar.
După fiecare modul există o Evaluare a noţiunilor
de vocabular și gramatică.
The four pages of Final revisions invite students to revise and
consolidate the vocabulary and grammar from all the modules.
Cele patru pagini de Recapitulări finale invită elevii să repete
și să consolideze noţiunile de vocabular și gramatică predate.
Final revision 1 ision 1 Vocabulary cabulary
You can buy magazines in a n… .
They’re a small, red
fruit. S…
This is my mum and dad.
They are my p… .
Washington DC is the
capital of the U… .
There is a lot of sand on a b… .
Kangaroos have got a long t… .
We p… football in the park.
She’s got big brown e… .
Adam and Tom are b…s.
He’s got short f… hair.
Work with a partner to complete the sentences in your notebooks. Who finishes first?
Final revision 1 Grammar
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs be or have got:
1 I … cold.
2 I … a cold.
3 … a little hungry.
4 He … a lot of money.
5 These students … very smart.
6 Thomas … two children.
7 Mary … 24 years old.
8 The athletes … tired.
2 Order the words to make questions.
Then write answers that are true for you
in your notebook.
1 your name / is / What / ?
2 from / Where / you / are / ?
3 old / you / are / How / ?
4 you / got / any brothers or sisters / Have / ?
5 your / Who / is / friend / best / ?
6 you / to music / like listening / Do / ?
3 Complete the text with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.
Peter Moore (1)… (come) from Northern
Ireland. He (2)… (not go) to a normal school,
he (3)… (go) to a music school. Peter (4)…
(play) the trombone. His parents (5)… (play)
the French horn. They (6)… (love) music.
Peter (7)… (want) to be a professional
musician. In his free time, Peter (8)… (like)
playing football.
4 Choose the correct.
1 My mum’s name is Lauren. She / Her is
from Scotland.
2 They have got three child / children.
3 Mouse / Mice have got four legs.
4 We love ride / riding our bikes.
5 I like play / playing football.
6 My brother often plays tennis with
he / his friends.
5 Complete the sentences with the words
and phrases in the box.
a an any in behind
some there is there isn’t
there are there aren’t
1 … some
2 There is …
3 … a mountain.
4 There are …
5 There isn’t …
6 There is … cinema.
7 … a shop.
8 … any waves.
9 The dolphins are
… the water.
10 The cinema is …
the gift shop.
6 Rewrite the sentences below in your
notebook using the adverbs of frequency
in brackets.
1 My uncle studies marine life. (usually)
2 He works in China. (sometimes)
3 He’s in other countries. (often)
4 My cousins travel with him. (never)
5 They have a party on his return. (always)
Final revision 1 117
Final revisions
Module 6 Progress Check
1 Match the verbs with pictures 1–5.
dive jump run score throw
3 4 5
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
adjective. Write them in your notebook.
1 The rules of judo are … . I don’t understand
them. (difficult / amazing)
2 Tennis is … . I love playing it! (fun / boring)
3 I can hit the ball! It’s … . (easy / difficult)
4 Snowboarding is a / an … sport. There are
lots of accidents. (easy / dangerous)
5 It’s … when your team wins a football
match. (amazing / boring)
6 Playing golf is … . (difficult / exciting).
I really love it!
3 Complete the sentences with the present
simple form of play, go or do. Write them in
your notebook.
1 Andy and Jess … rugby at the weekend.
2 I … (not) judo in the morning.
3 My sister … basketball on Fridays.
4 My friends … (not) surfing in winter.
5 You … (not) golf in the evening.
4 Make the sentences in exercise 3 negative.
Write them in your notebook.
Exercise no. Score (points)
1 5 u 2 = 10
2 6 u 2 = 12
3 5 u 2 = 10
4 5 u 3 = 15
5 5 u 2 = 10
6 5 u 3 = 15
7 6 u 3 = 18
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
5 Complete the questions with the
interrogative form of the verbs in brackets.
Write the questions in your notebook.
1 … your classmates … (speak) English?
2 … students … (play) hockey at school?
3 … your dad … (train) at sports centre?
4 … your teacher … (participate) in sporting
5 … you … (watch) National Geographic
6 Answer the questions in exercise 5 so that
they are true for you. Use short answers.
7 Write questions so that the words in bold
are the answers. Use: what, where, when,
how, what time, who.
1 I play hockey every Sunday.
2 Our family go to the mountains every
3 My brother does judo on Mondays and
4 My parents play golf at the weekend.
5 I do my homework at 7 p.m.
6 She goes to school by bus.
Progress check
Module Vocabulary Grammar Reading
Welcome! page 8 The alphabet Ÿ Cardinal numbers Ÿ My school bag Ÿ Colours
1 My world
page 13
Ÿ Countries and
Ÿ Family
Ÿ be: present simple
Ÿ Subject pronouns and
possessive adjectives
Ÿ Question words
Ÿ Web forum:
Colourful characters
2 Describe it!
page 23
Ÿ Parts of the body
Ÿ Appearance
Ÿ Adjectives of physical
Ÿ have got
Ÿ Singular and plural
Ÿ Popular science
Really unusual
Round Up 1 page 33 Vocabulary Ÿ Grammar
3 Healthy
page 35
Ÿ Food
Ÿ Free-time activities
Ÿ Present simple
Ÿ Expressing likes
and dislikes
Ÿ Subject and object
Ÿ Health poster:
Food myths –
Are they true?
4 Going places
page 45
Ÿ Places in town
Ÿ Landscape features
Ÿ there is / there are
Ÿ Prepositions of place
Ÿ a / an, some, any
Ÿ Fact book:
Twin cities
Round Up 2 page 55 Vocabulary Ÿ Grammar
5 At school
page 57
Ÿ Daily routines
Ÿ School subjects
Ÿ can – expressing ability
Ÿ Adverbs of frequency
Ÿ Questions
Ÿ Website article:
Schools of the air
6 Sport for
page 67
Ÿ Sport
Ÿ Expressing opinion
Ÿ Adjectives of opinion
Ÿ Present simple with
wh - questions
Ÿ Prepositions
of movement
Ÿ Sports diary:
A day training with
Mo Farah
Round Up 3 page 77 Vocabulary Ÿ Grammar
7 At home
page 79
Ÿ Rooms and
Ÿ Household objects
Ÿ The definite and
indefinite articles
Ÿ There / It
Ÿ History file:
History on an English
8 Special days
page 89
Ÿ Clothes
Ÿ Weather and
Ÿ The imperative Ÿ Guidebook:
Round Up 4 page 99 Vocabulary Ÿ Grammar
Celebrations page 101 Writing guide page 102
Having fun with English! page 120 Language reference page 121
Writing Listening Speaking Culture
Days and months Ÿ Demonstrative pronouns Ÿ Introductions Ÿ Classroom language
Ÿ A blog profile Ÿ Looking at family photos Ÿ Exchanging personal
information / Making friends
Ÿ After-school clubs
Ÿ Describing people Ÿ Sports stars Ÿ Giving instructions /
Looking after pets
Ÿ Australian wildlife
Ÿ Writing a blog:
My lifestyle
Ÿ Healthy lifestyle quiz Ÿ Ordering food /
At the café
Ÿ British food
Ÿ Describing places /
A city guide
Ÿ Tropical Islands Ÿ Making suggestions /
A day out
Ÿ Carnivals and festivals
Ÿ Writing an essay Ÿ Redroofs Ÿ Buying a ticket Ÿ UK Secondary Schools
Ÿ Writing an e-mail
to a pen pal
Ÿ Snowboarding Ÿ Making arrangements /
Going out
Ÿ Traditional Irish sports
Ÿ My dream room –
a description
Ÿ History of the toothbrush Ÿ Asking for information /
On a school trip
Ÿ The White House
Ÿ Writing a postcard Ÿ St John’s Eve Ÿ Inviting a friend to a party /
Going to a party
Ÿ Glastonbury Festival
Collaborative projects page 110 Final revision page 116
The alphabet
1 1.01 Listen and repeat the alphabet.
2 Ask your partner to spell his or her
How do you spell your name?
The alphabet
1 1.01 Listen and repeat the alphabet.
2 A
Ask your partner to spell his or her
How do you spell your name?
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 40 forty
3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 50 fifty
4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 60 sixty
5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 70 seventy
6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 80 eighty
7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 90 ninety
8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 100 one hundred
9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 1,000 one thousand
10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 1,000,000 one million
Cardinal numbers in English
L - O - U - I - S – E
Choose an English name to use
during your English class!
8 Competences: 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4.
8 10
4 5
7 9
3 Read the numbers and make dialogues as in the example:
Rebecca How old are you?
Jack I’m 11. What about you?
Rebecca I’m 10.
Jack What’s your phone number?
Rebecca 0040-743-856219
Jack What’s yours?
5 Listen and repeat the words.
My school bag
4 Match the objects 1–10 with the words in the box. Write them in your notebook.
1 – notebook
book highlighter notebook pen pencil pencil case
pencil sharpener rubber ruler school bag
6 Match the colours with the objects in exercise 4. Write sentences in your notebook.
black blue brown green orange
pink purple red white yellow
The book is red.
yellow orange
Welcome Module 9
Days and months
8 Write the months in the correct order in
your notebook.
1 – January
March July
September August
May December
February June
October November
April January
9 Answer the questions. Write the answers
in your notebook.
1 What day is today?
2 What days are your English classes?
3 What is your favourite day?
4 What month is your birthday?
5 What month is New Year’s Day in?
7 Copy the days of the week in your notebook. Then write them in the correct order.
1 – Monday
Listening Listening
Grammar Grammar
Demonstrative pronouns
That is a desk. Those are students.
This is a book.
These are pens.
1 Look at the language tips. In pairs, point to objects
or people in the classroom.
Make sentences with this, that, these and those.
This is my book. These are my pens.

That’s Lucy. Those are my friends.
2 Read and listen. What are the
students’ names? What is the
teacher’s name?
3 Listen to the teacher in another
school introducing a new student.
What is Jack’s full name?
Good morning,
Good morning,
Mr Taylor!
Hi! My name’s Rebecca and
this is Jack. We’re friends.
We use this / these to talk about / point to
people, animals or objects which are
near us.
We use that / those to talk about / point
to people, animals or objects which
are far from us.
Welcome Module Module W 11
1 Listen to the dialogue.
2 Listen again and repeat the dialogue.
Model Dialogue
Classroom language
Speaking Task
Harry What is this?
Can you repeat that, please?
How do you spell that?
What page are we on?
Can I have a pen, please?
We’re on page twelve.
Here you are.
Yes, of course. It’s a ruler.
It’s a ruler.
1 Ask and answer questions
Choose two classroom objects and a page number.
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogues.
What is this? It’s … .
Find the page numbers for:
The map of the world
Comic characters
A ballet dancer
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Countries and nationalities
Grammar be: present simple
Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives
Question words
Speaking Exchanging personal information
Making friends
Writing A blog profile
My world
Competences: 1.1; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.2; 3.3. 13
Unit Countries
and nationalities
1 Match the countries on the map with the nationalities. Listen and repeat the words.
1 Canada – Canadian
American • Australian • British • Canadian • Chinese • Colombian • Ecuadorian • French • Irish •
Japanese • Mexican • Moroccan • Portuguese • Romanian • Spanish
2 Write the sentences below in your notebook choosing the correct words.
1 Tokyo is the capital of Japan / Japanese.
2 Batman is an America / American superhero.
3 Spain / Spanish is the official language of Mexico.
4 More than 1.3 billion people live in China / Chinese.
5 Bogota is the capital city of Colombia / Colombian.
3 Listen to Dan, Ben and Ruth. Where are they from?
4 In pairs, introduce yourself.
Hi! My name’s David. I’m from Romania.
Hi! I’m William. I’m from Exeter. It’s in the UK.
Web forum
1 Read and listen. What is the text about?
1 Characters in comic book films.
2 Interesting people in films.
2 Read the text again. Complete the sentences in your notebook.
1 The Dragon Ball comic is from … .
2 Katniss Everdeen is from … .
3 Bruce Wayne is from … .
3 Copy the sentences in your notebook and write true or false for each one.
1 Goku isn’t in the Dragon Ball films.
2 Dragon Ball is a manga comic.
3 Katniss is a superhero.
4 Katniss is an actor in films.
5 Batman is a superhero.
WATCH Work in groups. Choose a short video with your favourite cartoon character / actor to
be watched in class. Describe and introduce this character to your classmates.
Interesting characters in films and books are very
entertaining. Who are your favourite characters?
Word Check
brave hunter millionaire
Home News Groups Forums Articles
User name Password Log in
Miku, Japan
This is Goku. He is the hero of Dragon Ball, a Japanese manga
comic. His real name is Son Goku. He is very brave and strong.
Goku is in all the Dragon Ball comics and films.
Ryan, Australia
Batman is my favourite character. He is a
superhero in Gotham City. Batman is really a
millionaire called Bruce Wayne. He’s the star of
the film The Dark Knight.
Harry, the UK
My favourite character is Katniss Everdeen from
the Hunger Games trilogy. Katniss is 16 and she
is from District 12. She is on an annual television
programme called The Hunger Games. She is a
good hunter, and she is very intelligent and brave.
ese manga
e and strong.
The actress Jennifer Lawrence is Katniss
Everdeen in the Hunger Games films. She is
also Mystique in the X-Men films.
Module 1 15
be: present simple
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers
I am / I’m I am not / I’m not Am I … ? Yes, I am.
You are / You’re You are not / You aren’t Are you … ? No, you aren’t.
He is / He’s He is not / He isn’t Is he … ? Yes, he is.
She is / She’s She is not / She isn’t Is she … ? No, she isn’t.
It is / It’s It is not / It isn’t Is it … ? Yes, it is.
We are / We’re We are not / We aren’t Are we … ? No, we aren’t.
You are / You’re You are not / You aren’t Are you … ? Yes, you are.
They are / They’re They are not / They aren’t Are they … ? No, they aren’t.
1 Complete the sentences with the
affirmative form of be.
1 Hi! My name … Superman.
2 My real name … Clark Kent.
3 I … from the planet Krypton.
4 My mum and dad … Marta and
5 We … in the film Man of Steel.
6 S … the symbol for hope in Krypton.
7 General Zod … his enemy in the film.
2 Rewrite the sentences with the
negative form of be.
I’m Green Lantern.
I’m not Green Lantern.
1 My real name is Superman.
2 I’m from the USA.
3 My mum and dad are Mary and James.
4 My best friend is General Zod.
5 General Zod is from China.
3 Complete the questions with the
interrogative form of be.
… your name Jack?
Is your name Jack?
1 … your friends at school today?
2 … your best friend from Spain?
3 … your English teacher from the USA?
4 … you British?
5 … I your friend?
4 Order the words to make questions in
your notebook.
you / 11 years old / Are / ?
Are you 11 years old?
1 your favourite class / English / Is / ?
2 you / Chinese / Are / ?
3 your favourite superhero / Is /
Wolverine / ?
4 12 years old / Is / your best friend / ?
5 from Spain / your friends / Are / ?
5 Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 4.
Are you 11 years old?
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
9 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of be.
Rachel Hi, David. How (1)… you?
David Hi, Rachel. I (2)… OK. What about you?
Rachel Fine. This is Matt and this is Alison. They (3)…
my friends from Toronto.
David Nice to meet you! (4)… Toronto the capital
of Canada?
Alison No, it (5)… . The capital is Ottawa.
David Ah, yes, you (6)… right.
Rachel Ah, here (7)… the bus. Bye!
David OK. See you soon.
10 Listen and check your answers.
Subject pronouns and
possessive adjectives
Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives
I my
you your
he his
she her
it its
we our
you your
they their
6 Write the text in your notebook choosing
the correct words.
Hi! I’m David and
this is my friend
Lucy. (1)Our / Your
favourite actor is
Jennifer Lawrence.
She’s from the
USA. (2)His / Her
nickname is JLaw.
(3)He / She is in the
new X-Men film.
The X-Men films
are (4)my / their
favourite comic
book films!
Question words
Question words
What’s your name?
Where are you from?
When’s your birthday?
Who’s your favourite actor? Why?
How are you?
7 Complete the questions. Write them with
question words in your notebook.
1 … is your name?
2 … are you from?
3 … old are you?
4 … is your favourite sports star?
… is he / she special?
5 … is your birthday?
8 Match the answers a–e with the questions
1–5 in exercise 7.
a) It’s on 1st February.
b) I’m 12 years old.
c) My name’s Carmen.
d) I’m from Spain.
e) Nadal. He’s the best!
of be.
hey (3)

Module 1 17
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Listening Listening
4 Listen to the dialogue. Write
the names in your notebook
in the order you hear them.
Liam Hemsworth
1 Listen and repeat the family words.
aunt • brother • cousins • dad • grandad • grandma • grandparents • mum • parents • sister • uncle
2 Look at Jonathan’s family tree and complete the sentences with the family words.
1 Mark is my … . 6 My … are Robert and Ana.
2 Robert is my … . 7 Cathy is my … and Ana is my … .
3 Amy and Sam 8 My … is Chris.
are my … . 9 My … is Maxine.
4 Sam is my … . 10 Louise and Ben are my … .
5 Amy is my … .
Possessive ’s / s’
We use ’s after a name or singular noun:
Chris is my dad’s brother.
We use s’ after a plural word:
My parents’ names are Sam and Amy.
5 Listen again and write the sentences in
your notebook choosing the correct words.
1 Chloe is Katie’s sister / cousin.
2 Her aunt’s / cousin’s nickname is Yoli.
3 Her uncle Ashley is an actor / a teacher.
4 Liam Hemsworth is Katie’s / James’s
favourite actor.
Robert Ana
Chris Maxine
Louise Ben
Sam Amy
Mark Cathy Jonathan
3 Bring a photo of your family and present it to the class.
Speaking Speakin Speaking
1 Talk about yourself
Read the information and choose a character.
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogue. Hi, I’m Megan. Hi, Megan!
Speaking Task
1 Listen to the dialogue. How old is
2 Listen again and repeat the dialogue.
Model Dialogue
Exchanging personal information / Making friends
3 Order the words to make questions.
1 name / What’s / your / ?
2 old / How / are / you / ?
3 Where / from / you / are / ?
Hi, I’m Lucy.
What’s your name?
Nice to meet you, Jacob. How old are you?
I’m 12. Where are you from?
My name’s Jacob.
Hi, Lucy!
I’m 13 years old. What about you?
I’m from the UK.
I’m from Australia. What about you?
AGE: 13
Pierre Oliver
6 8 5 8 7 8 5 9 6 3 2 4 8
AGE: 11
Megan Ryan
9 8 5 8 7 6 2 1 6 3 2 4 8
Module 1 19
A blog profile
1 Read and listen to the Model Text. Answer the questions in your notebook.
1 How old is Tom?
2 Where is Tom’s mum from?
3 What is his grandad’s name?
My profile
My name’s Thomas, but my nickname
is Tom. My mum’s name is Raquel. My
birthday’s on the same day as my mum’s.
It’s on 18th August, but I’m 12 and she’s 45.
We’re an international family. My mum’s
Spanish and my dad’s British.
In this picture we’re at my grandparents’
house in Granada in Spain. My grandad
Paco is my favourite relative because he’s
so funny.
Model Text
Writing Task
2 Look at the Tips. Find examples
of 1–5 in the Model Text.
1 My mum’s name is Raquel.
Capital letters
Capital letters are used for:
1 the beginning of a sentence
2 names (people, cities, countries)
3 nationalities and languages
4 the subject pronoun I
5 months and days of the week
3 Rewrite the sentences in your notebook.
Use capital letters.
1 i’m from spain.
2 my brother’s name is ben.
3 we are from new york in the usa.
4 it is wednesday today.
1 Plan
Find a photo of your family. Make notes
and include:
Names My name’s … My father’s name …
Ages I’m … and my mother’s …
Where they are from My dad’s from …
Where they are In this picture we are at …
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this
Paragraph 1 Names, ages, where from
Paragraph 2 Where are they?
3 Check
be: present simple
subject pronouns and possessive
vocabulary for countries, nationalities
and family
punctuation and capital letters
Cu Reading Culture
Read and listen. Then answer the questions.
1 Are after-school clubs popular?
2 Is Ellie in her school swimming team?
3 Is Japanese easy for Josh?
4 Are all Scouts from Britain?
Word stress
a How many syllables do these words have?
1 a) Japan b) Japanese
2 a) Britain b) British
3 a) Ecuador b) Ecuadorian
4 a) Canada b) Canadian
b Copy the words in exercise a in your
notebook. Listen and mark the stress.
1 Japan Japanese
After-school clubs are very popular in the UK.
They are a fantastic way to make friends.
I’m very active. My favourite after-school activities are sports. My
favourite is the Swimming Club. I’m in my school swimming team.
After-school clubs are a great way to study languages. My favourite
is the Japanese Club. It’s fun, but it isn’t easy!
After-school clubs are great. My favourites are drama and dancing.
My friends and I aren’t very good dancers, but we’re good actors!
I’m in the Scouts. It’s an international organization. It’s originally
from Britain. Today, its members are from all over the world.
➤ May (11)
➤ April (6)
➤ February (12)
➤ January (18)
Module 1 21
Module 1 Progress Check
1 Copy and complete the table in your
Country Nationality
the UK British
the USA (1)
(2) Spanish
Canada (3)
(4) Japanese
Mexico (5)
(6) Chinese
2 Order the letters to make words
representing family members.
1 roebrth
2 ounics
3 tuna
4 spraten
5 ssrtei
3 Complete the sentences with the
affirmative form of be. Write them in your
1 I … from Romania.
2 My neighbours … Italian.
3 My cousin … in the USA.
4 You and your friends … Romanian.
5 My favourite actors … Jennifer Lawrence
and Chris Evans.
4 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 3 with
the negative form of be.
Use short forms.
5 Order the words to make questions.
Write them in your notebook.
1 Iron Man’s real name / What / is / ?
2 are / you and your friends / Where / from / ?
3 What / your favourite name / is / ?
4 your cousin’s birthday / is / When / ?
5 old / you / are / How / ?
6 Circle the correct words.
1 These are my cousins Josie and Mandy.
They / Their / Your father is Scottish.
2 Vancouver, Toronto and Montréal are cities.
We / You / They ’re in Canada.
3 Josie’s first language isn’t English.
Her / She / Its first language is French.
4 Canada is a big country. He / She / It is on
the American continent. Ottawa is your /
its / his capital.
5 My cousins and I have the same surname.
We / Its / Our surname is Good. We / He / It
like it a lot!
7 Rewrite the sentences with ’s or s’ in your
1 Jack eyes are blue.
2 My parents house is in Germany.
3 My best friend school bag is very big.
4 The teachers cars are in the car park.
5 Your friends names are Ana and Alex.
8 Describe a friend / family member /
classmate. Write about: his / her name, age,
where he / she is from, his / her favourite
subject or hobby. Use 20 - 30 words.
Exercise no. Score
1 6 ´ 1 = 6
2 5 ´ 2 = 10
3 5 ´ 2 = 10
4 5 ´ 2 = 10
5 5 ´ 2 = 10
6 7 ´ 2 = 14
7 5 ´ 2 = 10
8 20
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
Find the page numbers for:
a chameleon
a sports star
a man with a funny dog
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Parts of the body
Grammar Adjectives of physical description
have got
Singular and plural nouns
Speaking Giving instructions / Looking after pets
Writing Describing people
Describe it!
Competences: 2.1; 2,2; 2.3; 3.2; 3.3; 4.3. 23
1 Listen and repeat the words. Match them with 1–16 in the pictures.
arm • ear • eye • face • finger • foot • hair • hand • leg • mouth • neck • nose • tail • thumb • toe • tooth
2 Copy and complete the table with the words in exercise 1.
head body
3 Listen to Louis and Helen. Which animal in the pictures do they describe?
4 In pairs, describe an animal to your partner.
It’s grey. It’s got a big mouth.
Yes, it is.
Is it a hippo?
1 7
Unit Parts of the body
Popular science magazine
1 Read and listen. Match pictures 1–4
with descriptions A–D.
2 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
Where are Tarsiers from?
They are from South-East Asia.
1 What colour is the fennec fox?
2 Is the chameleon from Spain?
3 How old is the tarsier’s family?
4 Where is the peacock spider from?
3 Match adjectives 1–3 with synonyms a–c.
Write them in your notebook.
1 very small a) huge
2 unusual b) tiny
3 very big c) strange
You can put ten peacock spiders on a
A Fennec foxes are from North Africa and live in the desert.
They are small, but have got very big ears. They are white
and brown and they have got a long tail.
B The chameleon is from Africa, Asia and also Spain and
Portugal. It’s got strange feet, like a parrot, and it
hasn’t got ears. It changes colour.
C Tarsiers live on islands in South-East Asia and their
family is 45 million years old. They’ve got huge eyes,
long feet and very long fingers!
D The peacock spider is tiny and lives in Australia.
It’s got four eyes and eight legs. The male spider
has got beautiful colours and dances for the female.
Word Check
strange huge tiny male female
These animals are strange, but they’re also real.
Module 2 25
have got
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers
Long form Short form Long form Short form
I have got I’ve got I have not got I haven’t got Have I got … ? Yes, I have.
You have got You’ve got You have not got You haven’t got Have you got … ? No, you haven’t.
He has got He’s got He has not got He hasn’t got Has he got … ? Yes, he has.
She has got She’s got She has not got She hasn’t got Has she got … ? No, she hasn’t.
It has got It’s got It has not got It hasn’t got Has it got … ? Yes, it has.
We have got We’ve got We have not got We haven’t got Have we got … ? No, we haven’t.
You have got You’ve got You have not got You haven’t got Have you got … ? Yes, you have.
They have got They’ve got They have not got They haven’t got Have they got … ? No, they haven’t.
1 Look at the verbs in the table. What is different about the he / she / it form?
2 Complete the sentences with has got or have got.
1 Fennec foxes … very big ears.
2 The chameleon … feet.
3 Tarsiers … very long fingers.
4 The peacock spider … beautiful colours.
3 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with hasn’t got or haven’t got.
A fly … eight legs.
A fly hasn’t got eight legs.
A fly … eight legs. 1 A dolphin … hair.
2 Gorillas … a tail. 3 An octopus … ears.
4 Look at the pictures again. Order the words to make questions.
Then write true short answers in your notebook.
1 six legs / a fly / got / Has ?
2 a dolphin / got / Has / hair ?
3 got / Have / a tail / gorillas ?
4 Has / got / an octopus / ears ?
9 Read and complete the dialogue
with the correct form of be or have got.
Harry (1)… you … (have got) a pet?
Luke Yes, I (2)… (have got) a chihuahua.
Harry What is that? (3)… (be) it a cat?
Luke No, it (4)… (not be). It’s a dog. It
(5)… (be) very small.
Harry We (6)… (not have got) a pet.
I want a chameleon.
Luke A chameleon. Why?
Harry They (7)… (have got) nice colours.
10 Listen and check your answers.
5 Write the questions with Have or Has in
your notebook.
… you got a pet?
Have you got a pet?
1 … you got any brothers or sisters?
2 … your best friend got long hair?
3 … you got brown eyes?
4 … your classmates got mobile phones?
5 … your teacher got a car?
6 Ask and answer the questions from
exercise 5.
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Yes, I have.
7 Write the questions and the short answers
in your notebook.
… you … a purple pencil case? No, I … .
Have you got a purple pencil case?
No, I haven’t.
1 … Bob … a red notebook? Yes, he … .
2 … Rachel … a hamster? No, she … .
3 … your cousins … a dog? Yes, they … .
4 … Diego … two brothers? No, he … .
5 … you … three cousins? Yes, I … .
g. It
Singular and plural nouns
For most nouns add -s
rabbit – rabbits
Nouns ending in -ch, -s, -sh, -x and -z add -es
fox – foxes
Some nouns ending in -o add -es
potato – potatoes
Nouns ending in consonant +y add -ies
baby – babies
Irregular plurals
child – children foot – feet
tooth – teeth man – men
woman – women mouse – mice
person – people fish – fish
8 Check the meaning of the words in
the box. Use the spelling rules to write
the plural forms of the words in your
animal baby body boy child
elephant eye family foot leg
man mosquito mouse nose
tooth woman
Read this fast!
Four fine fresh fish for you.
Find more tongue twisters at page 120.
Module 2 27
Listening Listening
4 Listen to the dialogue. Write the sports
stars in your notebook. Number them
in the order you hear them.
Gerard Piqué Maria Sharapova
Rafa Nadal Serena Williams
Pau Gasol
5 Listen again and complete the sentences in
your notebook.
1 Nadal’s got short … hair and brown eyes.
2 Piqué’s got … eyes and short brown hair.
3 Maria Sharapova’s got long … hair and green eyes.
4 Pau Gasol is … .
5 Serena Williams is … and she’s got long black hair and brown eyes.
Maria Sharapova
Serena Williams
The adjective goes before the noun:
short hair.
Adjectives of physical description
1 Listen and repeat the words.
blue • brown • curly • dark • fair • green • long • short (x2) • straight • tall • wavy
2 Copy and complete the table with the
adjectives in exercise 1.
length a) long b)
style c) d) e)
colour f) g)
eyes h) i) j)
height k) l)
3 Look at the pictures a–d. Complete the
descriptions with these words.
fair long short tall
1 She’s got green eyes and she’s short.
She’s got … curly hair.
2 He’s got short hair and brown eyes.
He’s … .
3 She’s tall. She’s got … wavy hair.
4 He’s got straight hair and blue eyes.
He’s … .
Speaking Speakin Speaking
1 Listen to the dialogue.
Has Ben got a dog?
2 Listen again and repeat the
Model Dialogue
Giving instructions / Looking after pets
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
fi nally fi rst second
1 … , give it food in the morning.
2 … , take it for a walk in the evening.
3 … , brush it at the weekend.
Hi! Have you got a dog?
First, give it food in the morning
and evening.
Second, take it for a walk in the evening.
Finally, brush it at the weekend.
All right, what next?
No, I haven’t. How can I look
after your dog?
1 Talk about looking after a pet
Read the information and choose a pet.
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogues.
Hi! Have you got a … ?
No, I haven’t. How can
I look after a … ?
Speaking Task
l ki
Clean its cage on
Saturday morning.
Brush it in the
Give it food in the
morning and evening.
Give it food in the
morning and evening.
Change its water in the
Clean the cage
on Sunday.
Module 2 29
A description of a person
1 Read the Model Text and listen. Answer the following
questions in your notebook.
1 Where is Marcus from?
2 Is he tall?
3 What colour is his hair?
This is my grandad, Marcus. He’s from
Germany. He’s my mum’s dad and he’s
60 years old.
He’s very tall; he’s 1m 90cm. He’s got
brown eyes and glasses. He’s got short,
straight hair. It’s grey and white.
My grandad has got a dog. Its name
is Roxie and they’re very similar in
appearance. Look!
Model Text
Writing Task
2 Look at the Tips. Look for apostrophes in
the Model Text. Are they 1 or 2?
English hasn’t got accents (é), but it’s got
apostrophes (she’s). We use an apostrophe:
1 when a letter is missing
He’s (is) tall. He’s (has) got short fair hair.
2 to indicate possession
His father’s name. (the name of his father)
3 Correct the sentences. Write them in your
1 Shes from China.
2 Hes very short.
3 Hes got glasses.
4 Shes got long curly hair.
5 My cousins names are Luke and Paul.
e following
1 Plan
Make notes about a person and include:
Name She’s …
Country She’s from …
Age She’s … years old.
Height She’s tall / short.
Eyes She’s got … eyes.
Hair long / short, curly / straight / wavy,
dark / fair
Pet She’s got a rabbit. She hasn’t got a dog.
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this
Paragraph 1 Name, where from, age
Paragraph 2 Height, eyes, hair
Paragraph 3 Pet
3 Check
have got
singular and plural nouns
vocabulary for body parts
apostrophes: He’s (is), She’s (has) got
Go to the Writing guide 1 on page 102
to practise your writing skills.
Cu Reading Culture
Read and listen. Then answer the questions in your notebook.
1 Has the red kangaroo got a long tail?
2 Are male kangaroos good boxers?
3 How many teeth has the Tasmanian devil got?
4 Where does the platypus live?
aListen and repeat.
hair hand have head horse
bListen and repeat the sentences.
1 It’s got a big head and short hair.
2 Has he got two horses?
THE KANGAROO has got short arms, long legs and a
long tail for jumping. It’s got big ears and eyes and a
long face. Red kangaroos are tall – more than 1.5
metres. Male kangaroos are expert boxers!
THE TASMANIAN DEVIL is a carnivorous animal from
the island of Tasmania. It’s got short black hair, a big
head and a short neck. It’s got 42 teeth, like a dog. Its
teeth are very sharp, so watch out!
THE PLATYPUS has got a long body, a big tail and
short brown fur. It lives near water and it’s got a mouth
and feet similar to a duck’s. What a strange creature!
Module 2 31
Module 2 Progress Check
Exercise no. Score
1 5 ´ 2 = 10
2 5 ´ 2 = 10
3 5 ´ 2 = 10
4 5 ´ 2 = 10
5 5 ´ 2 = 10
6 10 ´ 1 = 10
7 5 ´ 2 = 10
8 20
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
1 Write the parts of the body by completing
the words with the missing vowels.
1 y
2 n ck
3 n s
4 t th
5 r
2 Look at the pictures and choose the correct
word. Write the sentences in your notebook.
1 She’s got fair / dark hair.
2 He’s got short / long hair.
3 He’s got green / blue eyes.
4 She’s got curly / straight hair.
5 She’s got blue / brown eyes.
3 Copy and complete the text with the correct
form of have got.
1 Hi, I’m Nick and I … two dogs.
2 My parents … a farm.
3 My sister Julie … a pet rat.
4 It’s black and it … a very long tail.
5 My friend Paul is allergic to animals and
he … (not) pets.
4 Copy and complete the sentences with the
negative form of have got.
1 We … a dog.
2 My teacher … a car.
3 Those men … long hair.
4 My friends … homework today.
5 My brother and I … fair hair.
5 Write questions with have got in your
1 you / a favourite book?
2 you / my school bag?
3 they / a dog?
4 it / big ears?
5 the octopus / eight legs?
6 Copy and complete the table.
singular plural
family families
(1) children
mouse (2)
(3) men
fox (4)
(5) babies
singular plural
tooth (6)
(7) potatoes
watch (8)
(9) fish
brush (10)
7 Copy and complete the sentences with the
singular form of the nouns in brackets.
1 That … (people) has got green hair!
2 I’ve got a … (mice) with pink eyes.
3 Is that … (women) Japanese?
4 My baby brother’s got one … (teeth).
5 Is this … (children) your cousin?
8 Describe your favourite animal. Write what
it looks like (size, colour), where it lives.
Offer interesting facts about it.
Write 30-40 words.
Round up 1 (Module 1 - 2) (Module 1 - 2)
Vocabulary practice ocabulary practice
1 Find 10 countries.
2 Order the letters in the same colour squares
to make seven words related to family.
Write them in your notebook.
Countries and nationalities
Australia Australian
Canada Canadian
China Chinese
Colombia Colombian
Ecuador Ecuadorian
France French
Ireland Irish
Japan Japanese
Mexico Mexican
Morocco Moroccan
Portugal Portuguese
Romania Romanian
Spain Spanish
the UK British
the USA American
3 Order the letters to make words and
complete the sentences. Write them
in your notebook.
1 You have got ten … (igrsfne) on your
2 A hippopotamus has got a very big …
3 Horses have got very long … (itsla).
4 Monkeys have got long … (easr).
5 Your … (snoe) is in the middle of your
Adjectives of physical description
Hair curly wavy straight straight
fair dark fair dark
long long short short
Eyes green blue blue brown
Height short tall short tall
Collaborative project 1 page 110
Make a poster about your favourite singer or group. Work in small groups.
33 Round Up 1
Round up 1 (Module 1 - 2)
Grammar practice
1 Copy and complete the sentences with the
correct form of be.
1 I … (not) from the UK.
2 Malaga … (not) in the USA.
3 Tokyo … the capital of Japan.
4 Tokyo … (not) in Europe.
5 … you from Spain?
6 They … Chinese.
7 My new pen friends … (not) from
2 Copy and complete the sentences with
the correct form of have got.
1 I … some apples.
2 They … (not) new bikes.
3 How many children … he … ?
4 She … (not) a pet.
5 … you … any fresh vegetables?
6 I’m busy, I … (not) a lot of time.
7 This flat is great, it … a lot of space.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs be or have:
1 He … hot.
2 I … a new hat.
3 We … a little late.
4 They … many games.
5 These children … very playful.
6 Fiona … four teeth .
7 My mum … 32 years old.
8 The guests … happy.
4 Write the correct sentences below in your
notebook choosing the correct words.
1 Spiderman is from the USA. He / His real
name is Peter Parker.
2 My / I favourite actor is Toby Maguire.
3 France is in Europe. Its / It’s flag is red,
white and blue.
4 Our / We parents are from Ecuador.
5 Hamed’s grandparents are from Morocco.
They’re / Their Moroccan.
5 Match the questions with the answers and
write them in your notebook.
1 Who is she?
2 Where are you?
3 When is the exam?
4 What is that?
5 How do you spell it?
6 What is your surname?
a) It’s on Monday.
b) It’s my rubber.
c) It’s Carter.
d) She’s my aunt.
e) I’m in here!
f) I don’t know.
6 Rewrite the sentences with ’s or s’.
This is Peter book.
This is Peter’s book.
1 Let’s go to the Smiths.
2 The children room is upstairs.
3 John sister is twelve years old.
4 Men shoes are on the second floor.
5 My parents car is not expensive.
7 Copy and complete the sentences with the
plural form of the nouns in brackets.
She’s got three sisters (sister).
1 How many … (tooth) has a dolphin got?
2 Bears have got short … (tail).
3 Where are our … (child)?
4 My cousin’s got three … (baby).
5 The boy has got five … (fish) in the bowl.
8 Copy and complete the sentences with the
singular form of the nouns in brackets.
That’s a white mouse (mice).
1 This … (firemen) is my grandfather.
2 Is that … (women) Romanian?
3 Is this … (children) your cousin?
4 Look! That is a … (strawberries).
5 He’s got an expensive … (watches).
Write a note to ask a friend to look after
your pet while you are on a camp. Look at
the ”Useful language” on page 29 to give
short instructions. Write 30-40 words.
Find the page numbers for:
Ice cream cone
Girls playing football
A vegetarian dish
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Food
Free-time activities
Grammar Present simple
Expressing likes and dislikes
Subject and object pronouns
Speaking Ordering food / At the café
Writing Writing a blog: My lifestyle
Module Healthy
Competences: 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.2; 3.3; 4.2. 35
1 Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1–14.
apple • bread • cake • carrots • cheese • fish • ice cream • meat • milk • nuts • pasta • potatoes •
strawberries • yoghurt
2 Copy and complete the table with words in exercise 1.
Protein Dairy Carbohydrates Fruit and vegetables
nuts yoghurt
3 Listen to Max and Sally and answer the questions.
1 What is Sally’s favourite food?
2 What is Max’s favourite food?
4 In pairs, ask and answer questions about your favourite food.
What’s your favourite food? It’s pasta.
1 2 3
Health poster
Carrots can be different colours – yellow,
white, orange and purple.
1 Read and listen. Answer questions A–D.
Copy the sentences with the information.
2 Read the text again and check your answers.
3 Match 1–5 with a–e to make sentences.
Write them in your notebook.
Carrots don’t help our night vision.
1 Carrots a) doesn’t contain fibre.
2 Oil in food b) has got fibre.
3 Chips c) don’t help our night vision.
4 Home-made pizza d) contain fat.
5 Fruit juice e) doesn’t cause acne.
4 Answer the questions in your notebook.
1 Do carrots contain beta-carotene? 2 Does pizza include proteins, minerals and vitamins?
3 Does oil in our skin cause acne? 4 Does fruit juice contain fibre?
Word Check
home-made fat oil juice
Food myths – Are they true?
Carrots contain beta-carotene. Our body converts
beta-carotene into vitamin A. This vitamin is good for
our eyes, but it doesn’t help our night vision.
Teenagers love eating pizza especially when they
meet their friends. Home-made pizza is healthy. It has
got fibre, vitamins, minerals and proteins. Perfect!
Chips contain fat and they are not very healthy, but
they don’t give you acne. Oil in our skin causes acne
but fat or oil in food doesn’t.
People love drinking fruit juice in the morning, but is it
healthy? Juice has got all the sugar of fruit, but it doesn’t
contain the fibre. Drink juice and eat fruit for breakfast.
Module 3 37
Present simple
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers Long form Short form
I eat I do not eat I don’t eat Do I eat … ? Yes, I do.
You eat You do not eat You don’t eat Do you eat … ? No, you don’t.
He eats He does not eat He doesn’t eat Does he eat … ? Yes, he does.
She eats She does not eat She doesn’t eat Does she eat … ? No, she doesn’t.
It eats It does not eat It doesn’t eat Does it eat … ? Yes, it does.
We eat We do not eat We don’t eat Do we eat … ? No, we don’t.
You eat You do not eat You don’t eat Do you eat … ? Yes, you do.
They eat They do not eat They don’t eat Do they eat … ? No, they don’t.
1 Write the sentences word in your
notebook choosing the correct words.
1 My sister eat / eats apples every day!
2 They contain / contains vitamin C.
3 Your body need / needs vitamin C for
4 Some animals produce / produces
vitamin C.
2 Copy and complete the sentences with the
affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I … (eat) cereal for breakfast.
2 She … (drink) two litres of water every
3 They … (eat) healthy pizzas.
4 He … (go) home for lunch.
5 Oil in the skin … (cause) acne.
Be careful with the -s in he / she / it forms:
He doesn’t drink water. ✓
He doesn’t drinks water. ✗
3 Copy and complete the sentences with the
negative form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I … (eat) vegetables.
2 She … (drink) juice.
3 Water … (contain) fat.
4 My uncle … (eat) Mexican food.
5 My brother and sister … (eat) fruit.
4 Copy and complete the text with the
affirmative or negative form of the verbs
in brackets. What is the text about?
Your body (1)… (need) this. It (2)… (not contain)
fat or sugar. Doctors (3)… (say) ‘Drink eight
glasses every day.’ It (4)… (not give) you energy,
but it (5)… (help) you to be healthy.
In short answers, don’t repeat the main verb:
Do you drink milk?
Yes, I do. ✓ Yes, I drink. ✗
5 Copy and complete the questions with
Do or Does. Then write short answers that
are true for you in your notebook.
… you have breakfast every day?
Do you have breakfast every day? Yes, I do.
1 … you drink juice?
2 … you and your friends eat pizza?
3 … your best friend drink milk every day?
4 … your friends eat fish?
5 … your teacher eat chocolate in the
6 In pairs, ask and answer the
questions from exercise 5.
Read this fast!
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does it
Find more tongue twisters at page 120.
10 Read and complete the dialogue with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets in
your notebook.
Josh What (1)… you … (do) with your friends on
Sophie Well, I love (2)… (go) to a café in town.
Josh What (3)… you … (do) there?
Sophie We (4)… (have) a pizza.
Josh Pizza! Is that healthy?
Sophie Yes, they (5)… (make) them with lots of vegetables.
Josh Yuck! I hate (6)… (eat) vegetables.
Sophie What (7)… you and your friends … (like) eating?
Josh We love (8)… (eat) hamburgers and ice cream.
Sophie That’s not healthy!
Josh Look, I (9)… (be) hungry. Let’s eat.
Sophie OK, but not a hamburger!
11 Listen and check your answers.
love, like, don’t like, hate + -ing
love, like, don’t like, hate + -ing
I love surfing the net.
I like surfing the net.
I don’t like surfing the net.
I hate surfing the net.
? Do you like surfing the net?
7 Copy and complete the sentences with
love, like, don’t like or hate.
I reading comic books.
I like reading comic books.
1 My best friend listening to music.
2 My classmates eating vegetables.
3 My little brother going to the
supermarket with my parents.
4 My sister playing football.
8 Ask and answer questions.
Do you like eating
cheese? Yes, I do.
Subject and object pronouns
Subject pronouns Object pronouns
I like healthy food. Mum makes healthy
snacks for me.
You eat vegetables. Jane can help you.
He walks to school. I walk with him.
She has lunch at school. I like eating with her.
It has long hair. Brush it every day.
We like cooking. They cook with us.
You have two brothers. They often play with
They love apples. They often eat them.
9 Write the sentences in your notebook
choosing the correct words.
1 Chinese food is my favourite food.
I / Me like going to Chinese restaurants.
2 My uncle Josh is a chef. I like cooking
with him / he.
3 I am allergic to milk and cheese. I never
eat they / them.
4 Us / We drink milk every morning.
5 My cousins sometimes have dinner
with we / us.
Module 3 39
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Listening Listening
Unit Free-time
4 Listen to the dialogue. How
many points has Jake got?
5 Listen again and answer the questions.
Use short answers.
Does Jake want to do this quiz?
Yes, he does.
1 Does Jake like doing a lot of sports?
2 Does he like surfing the internet?
3 Does he like eating fast food?
4 Does he go to a café with friends after
5 Does he go home from school by bike?
1 Listen and repeat the phrases.
go shopping • listen to music • meet my friends • play football • read comics •
ride my bike • stay up late • surf the internet • talk on the phone • watch TV
2 Match pictures 1–6 with the free-time activities in exercise 1. Which activities
are not in the pictures?
3 Write six sentences about activities that you like and don’t like doing.
I like meeting my friends. I don’t like going shopping.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Score: A = 3 points; B = 2 points; C = 1 point
8–9 points:
Perfect! You’ve got
a very healthy
5–7 points:
Not bad! But you
need to change
one or two habits.
3–4 points:
You need to be
more active.
Speaking Speakin Speaking
Speaking Task
1 Ordering food
Read the menu and choose
what you want.
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogue.
Hello. Can I help you? Hello. Can I have a … , please?
1 Listen to the dialogue. Does Liam
like strawberries?
2 Listen again and repeat the dialogue.
Model Dialogue
Ordering food / At the café
3 Order the words to make questions.
1 pizza / have / I / Can / a ?
2 is / How / that / much ?
3 a / sandwich / cheese / about / What ?
That’s £4.50, please.
Here you are.
Hello. Can I help you?
Oh, we haven’t got ham. What about
a cheese sandwich?
Here you are. Anything else?
Sure. Anything else?
Can I have some strawberries, please?
I love strawberries!
I don’t like cheese. Can I have
a tuna sandwich, please?
Can I have a ham sandwich,
No, thanks. How much is that?
Strawberries £1.50
Apple £1.00
Water £1.30
Juice £1.80
Cheese sandwich £2.50
Ham sandwich £3.00
Tuna sandwich £3.00
Chicken sandwich £3.25
Sandwiches andwiches Fruit & Drinks ruit & Drinks
Module 3 41
A blog entry: My lifestyle
1 Read the Model Text and listen. Answer
the questions in your notebook.
1 What food does Oscar eat for breakfast?
2 What does he like doing in his free time?
3 What sports does he do?
Oscar’s blog Posted 8th July
I’ve got a healthy lifestyle. I eat fruit and cereal for
breakfast and I drink milk. I love chocolate and
biscuits, but I don’t eat them very much.
In my free time, I love meeting my friends and I like
playing basketball. In the summer, we love swimming.
I like being at home with my family.
My sisters love listening to music, but I like reading
and playing video games. My dad likes video
games and we play them together.
Model Text
Writing Task 2 Look at the Tips. Find examples of 1 and 2
in the Model Text.
and, but
Use and or but to connect two sentences:
1 I eat cereal for breakfast and I drink juice.
2 I love chips, but I don’t eat them very
3 Connect the sentences with and or but.
Write them in your notebook.
I eat bread for breakfast. I drink milk for
I eat bread and I drink milk for breakfast.
1 My friends watch TV. They stay up late.
2 My sister watches TV. She doesn’t play
video games.
3 I meet my friends. We play basketball.
4 We go to the park. We don’t play football.
5 My brother likes reading comics. I don’t
like reading them.
1 Plan
Make notes about your lifestyle and include:
Food I eat … for breakfast. I love …
Sports I love playing …
Free time My sisters love … but I like …
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this
Paragraph 1 Food
Paragraph 2 Sports
Paragraph 3 Free time
3 Check
present simple
like + -ing
subject and object pronouns
vocabulary for food and free-time activities
and, but
Go to the Writing guide 2 on page 104
to practise your writing skills.
Cu Reading Culture
Read and listen. Then answer
the questions in your notebook.
1 What is gravy?
2 Where is fried rice from?
3 What is the difference between
vegetarians and vegans?
Third person singular -s: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/
aListen and repeat.
/s/ eats helps
/z/ sees goes
/ɪz/ teaches watches
b Listen to the verbs in the box. Copy and complete
the table in exercise “a“, with the verbs in the box.
causes does drinks passes repeats washes
Traditional Sunday lunch
A traditional British family meal is a roast dinner.
This is beef or chicken cooked in the oven. The
meat is served with different vegetables and
gravy: a delicious sauce.
International food
The British love food from all over the world. They
love spicy food from India and Mexico. Chinese
food such as fried rice is also very popular.
About four million British people are vegetarian
– they don’t eat meat. Vegans are also
vegetarians, but they don’t eat or drink
dairy products or eat eggs.
WATCH Find a short video
with the recipe of your
favourite food and present it
to your classmates.
Module 3 43
Module 3 Progress Check
1 Copy and complete the table with the
words in the box.
apples carrots cheese meat pasta
Carbohydrates Dairy Fruit Protein Vegetables
2 Copy and complete the sentences.
1 I listen to … with my friends.
2 She rides her … on Sundays.
3 They watch … in the evening.
4 We stay up … on Saturdays.
5 He talks on the … a lot.
3 Copy and complete the sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I … (eat) eggs for breakfast.
2 My brother … (play) football after school.
3 My cousin … (not walk) to school.
4 He … (watch) TV all the time.
5 … you … (have) a healthy lifestyle?
4 Copy and complete the sentences with the
negative form of the verbs.
1 I eat chips.
I … chips.
2 Chips give you acne.
Chips … you acne.
3 My dad cooks pizza every day.
My dad … pizza every day.
4 Carrots help our night vision.
Carrots … our night vision.
5 Your body produces beta-carotene.
Your body … beta-carotene.
5 Copy and complete the questions with
Do or Does.
1 … you have breakfast at school?
2 … your grandparents eat pizza?
3 … your brother eat chocolate?
4 … your parents make cakes?
5 … your teacher drink juice?
Exercise no. Score
1 5 ´ 2 = 10
2 5 ´ 2 = 10
3 5 ´ 3 = 15
4 5 ´ 3 = 15
5 5 ´ 2 = 10
6 5 ´ 2 = 10
7 5 ´ 2 = 10
8 5 ´ 2 = 10
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
6 Write negative (–) or affirmative (+) short
answers for the questions in exercise 5
in your notebook.
1 (–) …
2 (+) …
3 (+) …
4 (–) …
5 (+) …
7 Copy and complete the sentences with the
correct form of love, like, don’t like or hate.
1 They staying up late on Saturdays.
2 We playing video games.
3 She watching TV.
4 You listening to music.
5 I playing basketball.
8 Copy and complete the table with the
correct object pronouns.
I me
you (1)
he (2)
she (3)
it it
we (4)
you you
they (5)
Find the page numbers for:
The picture of a skeleton in a museum
A famous statue in Rio de Janeiro
Carnival costumes
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Places in town
Landscape features
Grammar there is / there are
Prepositions of place
a / an, some, any
Speaking Making suggestions / A day out
Writing Describing places
A city guide
Going places
Competences: 1.2; 1.3; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 4.3. 45
Places in town
1 Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1–14.
chemist’s • church • cinema • hotel • library • museum • newsagent’s • restaurant • school • shoe
shop • shopping centre • sports centre • supermarket • underground station
1 3
2 Listen to the six sounds. Match
them with the places from exercise 1.
1 – underground station
3 Listen to Emma and Alex. Where does Alex go at the weekend?
4 In pairs, ask questions about the places in your town. Use the words in the box.
at the weekend after school with your friends with your parents
Where do you go at the weekend?
I go to the cinema.
7 5
Fact book
1 Read and listen. Which city has a famous
football stadium?
2 Read the text again. Match 1–5 with a–e. Write them
in your notebook.
1 a mountain a) the Adelphi
2 a football team b) the Sugar Loaf
3 a river c) Everton
4 a music group d) the Mersey
5 a hotel e) The Beatles
3 Write true or false next to each sentence below.
Copy the correct sentences in your notebook.
1 There’s a river in Rio.
2 Rio is popular with tourists.
3 There are beaches near Liverpool.
4 There’s a carnival in Liverpool.
5 There are only two museums in Liverpool.
The Sugar Loaf mountain is 396 metres
• LIVERPOOL is also near the sea and the River Mersey.
There aren’t any mountains near Liverpool, but there are
beaches. Music is very important and some famous music
groups come from here, like The Beatles. Liverpool also has a
carnival. There’s a famous hotel called The Adelphi and there
are some interesting museums like the Maritime Museum and
the Slavery Museum. There are two big football teams
— Liverpool and Everton. It’s the favourite sport here, too!
• RIO DE JANEIRO means ‘January River’, but there isn’t
a river there! It is near the sea and there are some incredible
beaches. There’s also a famous mountain called the Sugar
Loaf. Every year, there’s a huge carnival with music, food,
dancing and street parties. People love football here and
there’s a big football stadium called the Maracanã. There’s
also a lot of tourism. For tourists, there are fantastic
museums, shopping centres and restaurants.
Some cities have a twin city in another country.
Rio de Janeiro and Liverpool are twin cities.
They are very different, but they are also
similar — just like human twins!
Word Check
twin cities also slavery teams
Let’s sing!
Follow this link: https://www.youtube.
Listen to ”The song of Brazil”.
a) Copy the lyrics with verbs in the
present simple in your notebook.
b) Bring the song to the class to sing and
Module 4 47
Prepositions of place
5 Look at the tip and the pictures and
complete the words with vowels.
o n 1 n
2 n f r n t f 3 b h n d
4 n r 5 b t w n
there is / there are
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers
Singular There is a shop. There isn’t a shop. Is there a shop? Yes, there is. /
No, there isn’t.
Plural There are some
There aren’t any
Are there any shops? Yes, there are. /
No, there aren’t.
1 Copy and complete the sentences with
there is and there are.
In Rio de Janeiro, … a famous mountain.
In Rio de Janeiro, there is a famous mountain.
1 fantastic beaches.
2 a big football stadium.
3 a carnival.
4 shopping centres and restaurants.
5 a lot of tourism.
2 Write sentences in your notebook using
There isn’t and There aren’t.
There is a river in Rio.
There isn’t a river in Rio.
1 There are six airports in Rio.
2 There is a carnival in my town.
3 There’s a stadium in my town.
4 There are mountains in Liverpool.
5 There’s a library in my street.
3 Order the words to make questions.
Then write the questions and true short
answers in your notebook.
any trees / Are there / in your street / ?
Are there any trees in your street?
1 a bus station / in your street / Is there / ?
2 Are there / in your town / any banks / ?
3 in your street / Is there / an underground
station / ?
4 a library / Is there / in your school / ?
5 any newsagents / in your street / Are
there / ?
4 In pairs, ask and answer the
questions from exercise 3.
Are there any trees in your street?
No, there aren’t.
A preposition of place is a word or group of
words, such as: in, on, behind, in front of, near,
between used to show place.
8 Read the dialogue using the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.
Ben I’m bored and there (1)… (not be) anything to do.
Emily This website says there (2)… (be) lots of things to do!
Ben But I (3)… (not have got) any money.
Emily What about the swimming pool? There (4)…
(be) a wave machine and it (5)… (not be) very
Ben (6)… (be) it near here?
Emily Yes, it is. There (7)… (not be) any trains, but there
(8)… (be) a bus.
Ben Great! Let’s go!
9 Listen and check your answers.
a / an, some, any
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Singular Plural Singular
Affirmative There is a shop. There are some shops. There is some food.
Negative There isn’t a shop. There aren’t any shops. There isn’t any food.
Interrogative Is there a shop? Are there any shops? Is there any food?
We use a before consonant sounds
in singular countable nouns.
We use an before vowel sounds
in singular countable nouns.
We use some with plural countable nouns
and uncountable nouns in affirmative
We use any with plural countable nouns
and uncountable nouns in negative and
interrogative sentences.
6 Use a or an with the nouns in the box.
Write them in your notebook.
airport aquarium hotel
island museum park
river stadium
7 Copy and complete the sentences with a / an, some or
1 There’s … aquarium in Valencia. It’s called the
Oceanographic Centre.
2 There are … interesting activities, like sleeping with
3 There isn’t … underground station near the
4 There aren’t … swimming pools or water slides.
5 There’s … delicious food at the Marine Corner shop.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6
anything to do.
ots of things to do!
There (4)…
not be) very
rains, but there
Module 4 49
Listening Listening
Unit Landscape
4 Listen to the
What is Tropical Islands?
Write a, b or c in your
a) a shopping b) a holiday c) a hotel
centre world
5 Listen again. Write true or false in your notebook. Copy the sentences with the correct
1 Tropical Islands is in Europe.
2 There are beaches and a forest.
3 There aren’t any insects in the rainforest.
4 There are hotels, but there isn’t
a campsite.
5 Tropical Islands is indoors and outdoors.
1 Listen and repeat the words.
beach • forest • ice • island • lake • mountain • river • sand • snow • trees • water • waves
2 Match 1–12 in the picture with the words in exercise 1.
12 1
3 Copy and complete the text with words from exercise 1. Then listen and check.
There are three (1)… . There’s some (2)… on the big mountain. There’s a (3)… near the big
mountain. There’s a small lake in the (4)… . There isn’t any (5)… on the small lake. There’s a (6)…
between the small mountains and the forest. There’s a (7)… in front of the forest. There’s (8)…
on the beach, but there aren’t any (9)… . There are some big (10)… in the sea.
Speaking Speakin Speaking
1 Talk about a day out
Choose a place.
castle theatre sports centre
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogues.
What can we do this afternoon?
How about … ?
Speaking Task
1 Listen to the dialogue. Is the
museum closed?
2 Listen again and repeat the dialogue.
Making suggestions / A day out
3 Read the sentences completing the suggestions
with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 What can we … (do) today?
2 How about … (go) to the beach?
3 Let’s … (play) football!
4 What about … (go) to the cinema?
5 Why don’t we … (visit) the science museum?
Model Dialogue
Module 4 51
Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates.
It has a population of about two million people.
It is near the sea and there are some fantastic
beaches there. There’s also a desert.
There are hotels, shopping centres and
restaurants. There are also traditional markets.
There are cinemas and there’s also a water park.
My favourite place is the desert. I love riding my
quad bike there.
Model Text
A city guide
1 Read the Model Text and listen. Answer
the questions in your notebook.
1 Where is Dubai?
2 What is its population?
3 What is the writer’s favourite place?
2 Look at the Tips. Find an example in the
Model Text.
there is / there are + also
Use also with there is / there are to add
There’s also a desert.
There are also traditional markets.
3 Rewrite the sentences with also. Write
them in your notebook.
There are mountains near my town. There’s
also a beach.
1 There are two museums. There’s a
2 There are some shops. There’s a market.
3 There’s a sports centre. There’s a
football stadium.
4 There are restaurants. There are hotels.
5 There’s a hotel. There’s a campsite.
Writing Task
1 Plan
Make notes about a city and include:
Location … is a city in … . It is near …
Population It’s got a population of …
Landscape There are mountains.
Places There are shops, a museum …
Favourite place My favourite place is … .
I love …
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this
Paragraph 1 Location, population, landscape
Paragraph 2 Places
Paragraph 3 Your favourite place
3 Check
there is / there are
prepositions of place
vocabulary for places in town and
landscape features
Collaborative project 2 page 112
Make a poster about nature in your area.
Work in small groups.
Cu Reading Culture
Read and listen. Then answer the
questions in your notebook.
1 When is carnival time?
2 What do they do on the last night of Las Fallas?
3 What is the special food in New Orleans?
4 In Las Palmas, why do some people wear black
on the last day?
5 What do people wear in Venice?
Carnivals and festivals
New Orleans is a big city by the Mississippi River. Its carnival is
called Mardi Gras. There are incredible costumes and fantastic
parties. There is also a special cake called King Cake. It’s delicious!
The Carnival of Las Palmas is in February.
Thousands of people watch the parade,
or cabalgata. There is also a competition
to choose the Carnival Queen.
On the last day, some people wear black
because it’s the end of the carnival and
they are sad.
During the Venice carnival, there are operas in the
streets and on the canals. People wear beautiful
costumes. They also wear special masks called Bautas.
In March, there is a fantastic festival in
Valencia called Las Fallas. There are parties
and fireworks and incredible figures called
Fallas. On the last night, they burn all the
/ə /
The /ə/ is the most frequent sound in English.
It is often heard in words like the, of and a.
aListen to the underlined sounds.
New Orleans is a big city by the river.
bIdentify the /ə/ sound in this
It’s ten to two. Let’s go for lunch.
Pronunciation Pronunciation
WATCH Check the calendar of celebrations
on page 101 and choose your favourite one.
Find a short video on youtube and present
it to your classmates.
Module 4 53
Module 4 Progress Check
1 Order the letters to make words
representing buildings in the city.
1 eolht
2 austrtnaer
3 phospign eetrnc
4 mmesuu
5 nswe atneg
2 Match 1–5 with a–e in your notebook.
a) beach c) lake e) river
b) mountain d) forest
3 Copy and complete the sentences with
there is or there are.
1 … twelve boys in my English class.
2 … a carnival here in summer.
3 … some food in the kitchen.
4 … two swimming pools in my town.
5 … money in my bag.
4 Copy the words in the correct order
and write sentences in your notebook.
1 two shops / there are / a church / a school /
and / in my grandparents’ village.
2 a bus station / but / there is / there isn’t /
a railway station.
3 a river / a beach / there isn’t / there is / but.
4 a lot of small shops / there are /
a department store / and
5 in the village / a sports centre / there is /
a chemist / but / there isn’t .
5 Choose the correct word and write the
sentences in your notebook.
1 There’s some / any / a snow on the mountain.
2 There isn’t some / a / any river in my town.
3 There are a / some / any large beaches
along the coast.
4 There aren’t some / a / any swimming
pools at this hotel.
5 There’s any / a / some beautiful garden
behind their house.
Exercise no. Score
1 5 ´ 2 = 10
2 5 ´ 2 = 10
3 5 ´ 3 = 15
4 5 ´ 3 = 15
5 5 ´ 2 = 10
6 5 ´ 2 = 10
7 20
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
6 Look at the picture, circle the correct words
and write the sentences in your notebook.
1 The supermarket is behind / in front of the
2 The sports centre is behind / in front of
the supermarket.
3 The cinema is near / in front of the hotel.
4 The library is on / between the hotel and
the supermarket.
5 The Grand hotel is between / in front of
a restaurant and a cinema.
7 Describe your native town. Write about its
location, landscape, your favourite places.
Use 40-50 words.
Vocabulary practice ocabulary practice
Round up 2 (Module 3 - 4) (Module 3 - 4)
1 Look at the code. What’s in the fridge?
Write the answers in your notebook.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a) 6 Ÿ 9 Ÿ 19 Ÿ 8
b) 9 Ÿ 3 Ÿ 5 Ÿ 3 Ÿ 18 Ÿ 5 Ÿ 1 Ÿ 13
c) 3 Ÿ 8 Ÿ 5 Ÿ 5 Ÿ 19 Ÿ 5
d) 13 Ÿ 9 Ÿ 12 Ÿ 11
e) 13 Ÿ 5 Ÿ 1 Ÿ 20
Free-time activities
2 Order the letters to make words. Follow
the lines and write the sentences in your
oggin popginsh
yapglin bofoltal
gindrea smicco
aistngy pu leat
frugisn het trenniet
ganwitch VT
1 Charlie likes … and … .
2 Layla likes … and … .
3 Josh likes … and … .
Places in town
3 Read the clues and write the places in
your notebook.
1 You sleep in this place. …
2 You eat lunch here. …
3 You read books here. …
4 You buy food here. …
5 You buy balls and clothes here. …
Landscape features
4 Find 12 landscape features in the
wordsquare. Write them in your notebook.
5 Write a note to ask your brother
to go shopping. Include a shopping
list. Look at exercise 1 for possible
food items. Write 30-40 words.
55 Round Up 2
Grammar practice
Round up 2 (Module 3 - 4)
1 Complete the sentences with the present
simple form of the verbs in the box. Write
them in your notebook.
cook drink eat go teach watch
1 Jenny … her dinner in the microwave in
the evenings.
2 We … fruit and vegetables every day.
3 I … a lot of water – about three litres
a day!
4 My mum … food programmes on TV.
5 They … shopping for food once a week.
6 Mr Emms … English at our school.
2 Order the words to make sentences.
does / pizza / eat / Jane?
Does Jane eat pizza?
1 don’t / wild animals / chocolate / like.
2 every day / Simon and Tim / for lunch /
go home.
3 doesn’t / my cousin / speak / German.
4 your friends / do / do / what / at the
3 Copy and complete the sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
She likes eating (like / eat) apples.
1 He … (hate / go) to the supermarket.
2 They … (love / eat) my dad’s pasta.
3 My sister … (like / listen) to hip-hop
4 I … (not like / watch) TV in the morning.
5 My mum … (not like / cook).
4 Copy the sentences choosing the correct
He / Him likes playing football.
1 That’s mum’s new car. She loves he / it.
2 Do they / them go to school with you?
3 Do you want these comics? My sister
doesn’t want they / them.
4 That letter’s for we / us.
5 Maria isn’t here. Where is she / her?
5 Correct the errors in the red words. Rewrite
the whole sentence in your notebook.
How many boys there are?
How many boys are there?
1 There is a cinema near your house?
2 How many islands is there in the Canary
3 There is a shopping centre here?
4 Is there any answers in this book?
5 There are any hotels in your town?
6 Match the prepositions with the pictures.
Where is the mouse? Write the sentences
in your notebook.
behind between in
in front of near on
4 5
1 2
7 Copy and complete the table using the
words in the box.
beach bus food ice money
mountain river sand shop water
Countable Uncountable
8 Copy and complete the sentences with a,
an, some or any.
There’s a comic in my bag.
1 Have you got … questions?
2 There are … rabbits in the park.
3 There isn’t … underground station near
my school.
4 There aren’t … girls in this class.
Find the page numbers for:
A clock
A girl who can play the violin
A poster of a dance club
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Daily routines
Telling the time
School subjects
Grammar can – expressing ability
Adverbs of frequency
Speaking Buying a ticket
Writing Writing an essay
At school
Competences: 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.2; 3.3. 57
Daily routines
1 Listen and repeat the phrases. Match them with pictures 1–10.
do homework • finish school • get dressed • get up • go to bed • have a shower • have dinner •
play the piano • start school • tidy your room
2 Match the expressions in the box with have, go and play. Can you add more?
a bath to the cinema with friends golf the guitar home lunch some milk
2 3 4
5 6
Telling the time
3 Listen to Mel and Sam. What time does Sam have lunch and go to bed?
4 In pairs, ask and answer questions about your routine at the weekend.
What time do you get up? I get up at ten o’clock.
It’s 6 o’clock. 1 12
5 6 7
1 12
5 6 7
1 12
5 6 7
1 12
5 6 7
1 12
5 6 7
It’s quarter
past 6.
It’s half
past 6.
It’s quarter
to seven
Read this fast!
I have got a date at a quarter to eight. See you at the gate, so don’t be late!
Find more tongue twisters at page 120.
Website article
1 Look at the photos. What is the text about?
2 Read and listen. Write true or false in your notebook.
Copy the sentences with the correct information.
1 Students at Schools of the Air live in big cities.
2 They study special subjects at Schools of the Air.
3 The teachers sometimes use digital whiteboards.
4 Students never meet their teachers and classmates face to face.
5 Not all the students live on farms.
3 Read again. Answer the questions. Write the answers in your notebook.
1 Why can’t some children travel to normal schools in Australia?
2 Where do students have their classes at Schools of the Air?
3 How can students see and hear their teachers?
4 What do students usually do after lessons?
5 What do some students do after school?
Australia is a huge country and some children live hundreds of kilometres away from a
school. At Schools of the Air, these children can have their classes at home on the internet.
Lessons at Schools of the Air usually start at
eight o’clock. Students turn on their
computers and connect to the school. They
can see and hear their teachers clearly
because they have webcams and
microphones. They do normal school subjects
like maths, science, English, PE or music. The
teachers sometimes use digital whiteboards
to present new ideas. After lessons, students
usually work on projects or do homework on
the school website. Sometimes there are
special school camps for all the students. It’s a
great opportunity for the students to meet their
teachers and classmates face to face.
Many of the Schools of the Air students live on
farms. They can ride horses or motorbikes and
sometimes help with the farm work after
school. It’s a long day,
but they’re never
Some students live 1,000 kilometres from
their local School of the Air!
Word Check
webcam digital whiteboards classmates
Module 5 59
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers
I can I can’t Can I … ? Yes, I can.
You can You can’t Can you … ? No, you can’t.
He can He can’t Can he … ? Yes, he can.
She can She can’t Can she … ? No, she can’t.
It can It can’t Can it … ? Yes, it can.
We can We can’t Can we … ? No, we can’t.
You can You can’t Can you … ? Yes, you can.
They can They can’t Can they … ? No, they can’t.
1 What can the people in the pictures
do? Write sentences using the words in
the box.
act can He play the violin
run She sing They
1 – She can play the violin.
2 Copy and complete the sentences with
can or can’t.
My friend / sing. I / not dance.
My friend can sing. I can’t dance.
1 I / play chess. I’m the school champion.
2 My dad / not speak English.
3 My sister / ride a horse.
4 They / not go to a private school.
3 Order the words to make questions. Write
them in your notebook.
Can you speak English?
1 you / Can / sing / ?
2 run fast / Can / you / ?
3 Can / play the piano / you / ?
4 What languages / you / can / speak / ?
4 Look at the table and write sentences with
can or can’t in your notebook.
Ted Carol Justin
play the violin üû û
speak Chinese ûü û
run fast ûû ü
Ted and Justin / play / the violin.
Ted and Justin can play the violin.
1 Carol / play the violin.
2 Ted and Justin / speak Chinese.
3 Ted and Carol / run fast.
4 Carol / speak Chinese.
5 Justin / run fast.
5 Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 3. Use adverbs of manner.
Can you sing? Yes, I can. I sing well.
Come to the front of the class and mime
something you can / can’t do!
3 4
Can you play tennis?
No, I can’t. Guess again!
Can you play
table tennis? Yes, I can. That’s right!
9 Read and complete the dialogue with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Sara Hi, Mary! I (1)… (have got) two tickets
for the concert. (2)… you … (want) to go?
Mary What time (3)… it … (start)?
Sara The concert (4)… (start) at 7.00.
Mary I usually (5)… (go) to bed at 10.00 on Sundays.
Sara Those concerts always (6)… (finish) at 9.30 and there (7)… (be)
lots of buses home.
Mary OK, then.
10 Listen and check your answers.
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency normally go after the verb be:
Sam is never late for school.
Adverbs of frequency normally go before the main
School always starts at eight o’clock.
6 Rewrite the sentences in your notebook
using the adverbs of frequency in brackets.
Amy gets up at six o’clock. (always)
Amy always gets up at six o’clock.
1 Amy practises ballet in her house before
breakfast. (usually)
2 She dances in the gymnasium at school.
3 She goes to ballet classes after school.
4 She is late for her ballet classes. (never)
Adverbs of frequency: questions
Adverbs of frequency: questions
Do you usually have a shower in the morning?
How often does she play the guitar?
7 Order the words to make questions.
Then write answers that are true for you
in your notebook.
you / late / How often / for school / are / ?
How often are you late for school?
I’m sometimes late for school.
1 usually / Do / you / have breakfast / at
6 am / ?
2 usually / Do / have / you / dinner before
9 pm / ?
3 meet / How often / you / your friends /
do / ?
4 a musical instrument / How often / do /
you / play / ?
5 you / How often / do / tidy your
bedroom / ?
8 Ask and answer the questions in
exercise 7.
Module 5 61
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Listening Listening
Unit School subjects
5 Listen to the interview. What is special
about Redroofs school?
6 Listen again. Write true or false in your notebook.
1 Students at Redroofs are very good at acting,
singing and dancing.
2 Students at Redroofs never study maths or
3 There aren’t any after-school activities.
4 Luke loves going to school.
1 Listen and repeat the words.
art and design • drama • English • French • geography • history • ICT (information and
communication technology) • literature • maths • music • PE (physical education) • science
2 Match pictures 1–12 with the words in exercise 1.
3 Copy and complete the table with the subjects in exercise 1 so that it is true for you.
I’m very good at I’m good at I’m OK at I’m bad at
science music
4 Ask and answer questions
about school subjects.
1 3 5
7 9 11
2 4 6
8 10 12
Do you like science? Yes, I do. I’m very good at it.
Speaking Speakin Speaking
Speaking Task
1 Talk to a ticket seller
Read the information and choose
an event.
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and
change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogue.
1 Listen to the dialogue. How much
are the tickets?
2 Listen again and repeat the dialogue.
3 Match questions 1–3 with answers a–c.
1 For which day? a) On Fridays it starts at half past seven.
2 What time does it start? b) Yes. Have you got two tickets for the disco?
3 Can I help you? c) Friday, please.
Buying a ticket / Talking to a ticket seller
Can I help you? Yes. Have you got … tickets for … ?
£5.00 TIME: 7 PM
TIME: 6.30 PM
Model Dialogue
Can I help you?
For which day?
Yes, we have. The tickets are £10 each, so that’s
£20, please.
It usually starts at seven o’clock, but on Saturdays
it starts at eight o’clock.
Attendant Alex
Here you are. What time does it start?
Saturday, please.
Yes. Have you got two tickets
for the musical?
OK, thanks.
Module 5 63
An essay
1 Read the Model Text and listen. What
is Jade’s favourite school subject?
My name’s Jade. I’m 13 years old and I live in
New York. I go to high school. I’m good at
music and I can play the drums. I often
practise at school because there are good
music rooms.
On a school day, I always get up at half past
six because I start school at eight o’clock.
I have a shower, get dressed and have
I sometimes play the drums for a few
minutes before school!
My favourite school subject is ICT because
I love computers and technology.
Model Text
Writing Task
2 Look at the Tips. Find examples of
because in the Model Text.
We use because to give a reason:
I often practise at school because there
are good music rooms.
3 Match 1–3 with a–c. Then rewrite
them in your notebook using
My favourite subject is PE because
I love sport.
1 I always get up at seven o’clock.
2 I play the piano every day.
3 I’m good at French.
a) I start school at half past eight.
b) My dad is French.
c) I want to be a musician.
1 Plan
Make notes about yourself and include:
Name, age and town My name’s … . I’m … years old
and I live in …
School I go to … school.
Abilities I can … / I’m good at …
Routine I always … I sometimes …
Favourite subject My favourite subject is … because …
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this structure:
Paragraph 1 Name, age, town, school and abilities
Paragraph 2 School day routine
Paragraph 3 Favourite subject
3 Check
present simple with adverbs of frequency
vocabulary for daily routines and school subjects
Go to the Writing guide 3 on page 106
to practise your writing skills.
Cu Reading Culture
1 Read and listen. Write true or false in your notebook.
Copy the sentences with the correct information.
1 UK students usually have 13 weeks of holiday every year.
2 A typical school day lasts five hours.
3 Students have assembly every day.
4 Students usually wear special clothes at school.
5 Most students call their teachers by their first name.
2 What are the differences between your school and
secondary schools in the UK?
can / can’t
a Listen and repeat. Can you hear the difference?
1 Students can go to after-school clubs.
2 Students can’t go to after-school clubs.
b Listen and write the sentences in your notebook
choosing the correct forms.
1 They can / can’t speak French.
2 My sister can / can’t play the piano.
3 He can / can’t play football.
4 I can / can’t paint.
In the UK, the school year starts in September
and finishes in July. Students have a six-week
holiday in the summer and two weeks at both
Christmas and Easter. They also have a oneweek
holiday in October, February and May.
A typical day starts at quarter to nine and finishes
at quarter past three. Students always have
registration first and sometimes they have assembly
before classes. Lunch is usually at half past twelve.
After school, students can go to after-school clubs.
At most schools, students wear a uniform and they
never call their teachers by their first name. They
always call them Mr, Mrs or Miss and their surname,
for example Mr Smith.
Home About News Subjects Search this site
About > UK Secondary schools
Module 5 65
Module 5 Progress Check
1 Match 1–6 with a–f and write them in your
1 do a) your room
2 start b) to bed
3 get c) homework
4 go d) school
5 have e) dressed
6 tidy f) a shower
2 Copy and complete the timetable with the
times and the school subjects.
8.00-8.45 Geography
From eight
to quarter to
nine we have
3 Write sentences in your notebook with
can or can’t.
1 I / play the piano.
2 My boyfriend / not sing.
3 Our classmates / dance.
4 My grandad / speak Spanish.
5 My sister / not swim well.
6 They / play the violin.
4 Make the sentences in exercise 3
interrogative and write them in your
Exercise no. Score
1 6 ´ 2 = 12
2 10 ´ 2 = 20
3 6 ´ 2 = 12
4 5 ´ 2 = 10
5 6 ´ 2 = 12
6 6 ´ 2 = 12
7 6 ´ 2 = 12
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
5 Write questions for these answers in your
notebook. Use How often or usually.
1 I play basketball every Friday.
2 No, I don’t. I never go to school by bus.
3 Yes, I do. I love watching TV before school.
4 I talk on the phone every day.
5 No, I don’t. I never do my homework in the
6 I meet my friends three times a week.
6 Order the words to make questions.
Write them in your notebook.
1 you / How often / do / tidy your room ?
2 usually / Do / go / you / to bed before 9 pm ?
3 you / late / How often / for school / are ?
4 a musical instrument / How often / do /
you / play ?
5 usually / Do / you / get up / at 4 am ?
6 Sandra / paint / Does / usually / at the art club?
7 Write the adverbs of frequency in the
correct place.
always sometimes usually


Find the page numbers for:
Two men boxing
A ticket for a rugby match
A girl with a surfing board
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Sport
Expressing opinion
Grammar Adjectives of opinion
Present simple with wh - questions
Prepositions of movement
Speaking Making arrangements / Going out
Writing Writing an e-mail to a pen pal
Module Sport for
Competences: 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 2.2; 3.2; 4.2. 67
1 Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1–14.
catch • dance • dive • hit • jump • kick • lose • run • score • shout • throw • train • walk • win
2 Copy and complete the table with the words in the box. Can you add more?
athletics basketball cycling football golf hockey judo
rugby snowboarding surfi ng swimming tennis yoga
play go do
3 Listen to Dan and Hannah. What sports do they do in their free time?
4 In pairs, ask and answer questions about the sports you do.
What sports do you do? I play football and basketball.
1 2 4 5
8 9 10
13 14
1 Read and listen. Does Mo love
2 Read the text again. Match sentences
1–3 with pictures a–c.
1 He kicks the ball.
2 He hits his trainer’s hands.
3 He runs slowly.
3 Write true or false in your notebook. Copy the
sentences with the correct information.
1 Mo Farah does a lot of different training
2 His favourite football team is Arsenal.
3 He always boxes when he trains.
4 Mo never goes to discos when he prepares
for a competition.
Mo Farah is a long-distance runner and an Olympic gold medal
winner. He is British, but he lives and trains in the USA. Mo Farah
goes jogging every day of the week. He loves running and
training hard. Here are some of the things he does in a typical
day’s training.
He runs fast and slowly, for long and short distances.
He always runs slowly when he warms up.
Mo loves football. He’s an
Arsenal fan. He often kicks
a football around in training.
He doesn’t always score
goals, but he usually has
a lot of fun!
hen he warms up.
As part of his training, Mo
sometimes boxes. When he does
that he hits his trainer’s hands.
It isn’t dangerous because they
always wear protection!
Sports diary Saturday 15th March
He run
He alw
Mo loves football He’s an
Sports diary Satu
Word Check
long-distance warm up protection
Mo Farah runs 190 kilometres a week
as part of his training.
What do athletes do when they don’t train?
When they prepare for a competition, they
only sleep, eat and train.
‘Train hard, win easily,’ they say!
Module 6 69
Present simple with wh - questions
People Who Who do you play tennis with?
Who runs the marathon?
Objects What
What programmes do you watch
on TV?
Which sport does he like: tennis
or football?
Places Where Where do you live? In London.
Time When
What time
When do they go on holiday?
What time does the match start?
In July.
At 8 p.m.
Manner How How do they run? Fast.
Reason Why Why do you go to the gym every
Because I
want to be fit.
1 Copy and complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.
1 In November we … (watch) the
New York Marathon.
2 My friend … (run) in the New York
3 Many runners … (collect) money
to donate to charity.
4 Some people … (wear) strange
clothes like the Superman in the
5 The marathon … (start) at 11 a.m.
6 The participants … (train) hard
every day.
7 The 2020 Olympic Games … (take)
place in Tokyo, Japan.
2 Ask questions to the words in bold in exercise 1. Write them in your notebook.
The students play hockey at the sports centre.
What do the students play? Hockey.
3 Write complete sentences in your notebook. Use the negative form of the verbs.
1 My parents / shout / at me.
2 He / do / yoga / every week.
3 My friends / swim / in the evening.
4 Mo / train / for the New York Marathon.
5 We / play / rugby / at the weekend.
We use the present
simple to talk about
routines and habits.
We use every week,
always, never,
generally, on Mondays,
at the weekend,
in the morning,
in the afternoon,
in the evening with
the present simple.
8 Read the dialogue and write it in your
notebook choosing the correct words.
Barry Hi, Anne! What (1)does you do / do you do
Anne I (2)goes / go to the sports centre.
Barry Really? Why?
Anne I’ve got (3)a / an judo competition.
Barry Really? (4)Does / Can you do judo?
Anne Yes, I (5)can / do.
Barry My friend Matt (6)do / does judo.
Anne Matt Davis? He’s amazing.
He (7)always / never wins.
Barry Yes, he’s really good. Look!
The bus (8)come / comes. See you tomorrow!
Anne Yeah! See you tomorrow!
9 Listen and check.
Prepositions of movement
A preposition of movement is a word or group of words,
such as: up, down, over, into, out of, from … to used to
show a change in place or position as a result of moving.
up down
over into
out of from A to B
6 Find 5 prepositions of movement in the
7 Look at the pictures on the left and write
the sentences in your notebook choosing
the correct preposition.
1 We usually climb … to the top of the
2 Felix never runs … the stairs.
3 It is forbidden to jump … the swimming
4 My mother gets … … the house at 8 a.m.
every morning.
5 A lot of tourists in London go … the Tower
6 Eurostar trains travel … London … Paris in
a few hours.
Module 6 71
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Listening Listening
Unit What is it like?
4 Listen to the dialogue. What is Cathy’s problem?
5 Listen again. Write the correct answers in your notebook.
1 Cathy is …
a) at home. b) on a bus.
2 In winter, Cathy usually …
a) goes to the mountains.
b) watches TV.
Adjectives of opinion
1 Listen and repeat the words.
amazing • boring • dangerous • difficult • easy • exciting • fun • interesting
2 Match pictures 1–4 with adjectives in exercise 1.
3 4
3 Match sentences a–d with pictures 1–4.
a) I can’t rollerblade. It’s very difficult.
b) I hate golf. It’s really boring.
c) Many rugby players have accidents. It’s a
dangerous sport.
d) We love volleyball. It’s fun!
3 On Saturdays, Cathy normally has … on the bus.
a) breakfast b) dinner
4 Cathy thinks that snowboarding is … sport.
a) a boring b) an exciting
Speaking Speakin Speaking
Model dialogue
1 Talk about going out
Read the information and choose a match.
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogue.
Hi! Are you free today? Yes, I am. Why?
Speaking Task
1 Read the dialogue. What time does the
match start?
2 In pairs, make up similar dialogues.
Model Dialogue odel dialoguee
Making arrangements / Going out
3 Write the sentences in the correct order in
your notebook.
a) Yes, I am. Why?
b) Do you want to come to a tennis match?
c) Let’s meet at two o’clock then. 6
d) OK. When does it start?
e) Hi, Alice! Are you free today? 1
f) The match starts at three o’clock.
Hi, Alice! Are you free today?
Do you want to come to a football
The match starts at three o’clock.
Good idea. See you then.
Let’s meet at two o’clock then.
OK. When does it start?
Yes, I am. Why?
9 6 8 6 4 8 9 8 6 1 2 3 5 1 3 2 1 7 9
2 4454
5454 2545
OFFICIAL TENNIS LEAGUE 011 45 445 5452 4 2545 265644455
Friday, 20th June
11 am
Sunday 17th April
4 PM 9 6 8 6 4 8 9 8 6 1 2 3 5 1 3 2 1 7 9
45 54 2545
OFFICIAL RUGBY LEAGUE 0115 54 44 45452
52 45 265644455
R M 44 AREA ROW SEAT ADULT £35.00 ADULT £65.00
Module 6 73
An e-mail to a pen pal
1 Read the Model Text and listen. Answer the questions in
your notebook.
1 What is Lily’s favourite sport?
2 When does Lily usually go surfing?
To: Sam From: Lily
Subject: My favourite sport
Hi! I’m Lily and I live in France. I love all water sports, so I often go
to the beach or swimming pool. My favourite sport is surfing. My
mum says it’s dangerous and difficult, but I think it’s amazing!
You need a wetsuit and a surfboard. A good surfboard costs
more than €400, so surfing is expensive. You can borrow
a board from a friend, of course, that’s free!
I usually go surfing at the weekend with my friends.
Model Text
2 Look at the Tips. Find examples of
so in the Model Text.
I love all water sports, so I often go to the
beach or swimming pool.
3 Match the sentence halves then rewrite
them using so in your notebook.
It’s very hot here in summer, so we often go
swimming in the sea.
1 It’s very hot here in summer,
2 I want to be a professional basketball
3 I can’t kick a ball,
4 My mum says judo is dangerous,
5 I love tennis,
a) I don’t play football.
b) she doesn’t send me to classes.
c) I have tennis lessons after school.
d) I practise every day.
e) we often go swimming in the sea.
Writing Task
1 Plan
Make notes about your favourite sport
and include:
Sport My favourite sport is … so I go …
It’s amazing …
Equipment You need … and …
How often you do your favourite sport
I usually go / play / do …
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this
Paragraph 1 Name, where you live, favourite sport
Paragraph 2 Equipment
Paragraph 3 How often you do your favourite
3 Check
present simple
adverbs of frequency
vocabulary for sports and adjectives of opinion
Go to the Writing guide 4 on page 108
to practise your writing skills.
Cu Reading Culture
Gaelic football
The most amazing spectator sport in
Ireland is Gaelic football. It is a combination
of football and rugby. Thirty players kick,
pass and run with the ball. It’s dangerous,
but very exciting! In this sport, the players
jump for the ball.
Hurling is the second most popular sport.
Players run across the field with their sticks
called hurleys. They can carry the ball on their
stick or hit the ball into the air. It’s fast and fun,
but it isn’t easy. In this game, two players
jump for the ball. try to catch the ball with their hurleys. try to c
1 Read and listen. Then answer the
1 What is Gaelic football?
2 Is hurling a fast sport?
3 How many players play at one time?
2 What are the traditional sports
in Romania?
The Irish love sports.
Read about their most Traditional sports popular sports.
Module 6 75
Module 6 Progress Check
1 Match the verbs with pictures 1–5.
dive jump run score throw
3 4 5
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
adjectives. Write them in your notebook.
1 The rules of judo are … . I don’t understand
them. (difficult / amazing)
2 Tennis is … . I love playing it! (fun / boring)
3 I can hit the ball! It’s … . (easy / difficult)
4 Snowboarding is a / an … sport. There are
lots of accidents. (easy / dangerous)
5 It’s … when your team wins a football
match. (amazing / boring)
6 Playing golf is … . (difficult / exciting).
I really love it!
3 Complete the sentences with the present
simple form of play, go or do. Write them in
your notebook.
1 Andy and Jess … rugby at the weekend.
2 I … (not) judo in the morning.
3 My sister … basketball on Fridays.
4 My friends … (not) surfing in winter.
5 You … (not) golf in the evening.
4 Make the sentences in exercise 3 negative.
Write them in your notebook.
Exercise no. Score
1 5 ´ 2 = 10
2 6 ´ 2 = 12
3 5 ´ 2 = 10
4 5 ´ 3 = 15
5 5 ´ 2 = 10
6 5 ´ 3 = 15
7 6 ´ 3 = 18
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
5 Complete the questions with the
interrogative form of the verbs in brackets.
Write them in your notebook.
1 … your classmates … (speak) English?
2 … students … (play) hockey at school?
3 … your dad … (train) at sports centre?
4 … your teacher … (participate) in sporting
5 … you … (watch) National Geographic
6 Answer the questions in exercise 5 so that
they are true for you. Use short answers.
7 Write questions so that the words in bold
are the answers. Use: what, where, when,
how, what time, who.
1 I play hockey every Sunday.
2 Our family go to the mountains every
3 My brother does judo on Mondays
and Thursdays.
4 My parents play golf at the weekend.
5 I do my homework at 7 p.m.
6 She goes to school by bus.
Vocabulary practice
Round up 3 (Module 5 - 6)
1 sah nerdin
2 steg pu
3 ogse ot deb
4 sartts olscho
School subjects
4 Look at the pictures in the sentences
below. Copy and complete the timetable
in your notebook.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
PE French drama maths
English art and
history ICT literature
1 I’ve got on Wednesday.
2 I’ve got on Thursday.
3 I’ve got on Friday.
4 I’ve got on Monday.
5 I’ve got on Tuesday.
Daily routines
1 Order the letters to make words. Follow
the lines to write the sentences in your
Sarah at
seven o’clock.
She at
half past eight.
She at
eight o’clock.
She at
half past ten.
Adjectives of opinion
5 Order the letters in the same colour
squares to make five adjectives.
Write them in your notebook.
2 Find 14 sports verbs and write them in your notebook.
3 Look at the code. Write the sports in your
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
j k l m n o p q r
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
s t u v w x y z
play 8, 15, 3, 11, 5, 25
2, 1, 19, 11, 5, 20, 2, 1, 12, 12
do 1, 20, 8, 12, 5, 20, 9, 3, 19
10, 21, 4, 15
3, 25, 3, 12, 9, 14, 7
19, 21, 18, 6, 9, 14, 7
77 Round Up 3
Grammar practice
Round up 3 (Module 5 - 6)
1 Copy and complete the sentences with the
affirmative (+) or negative (–) form of can.
Horses can run fast. (+)
1 We … do this exercise. (–)
2 They … speak French. (+)
3 She … play the piano. (–)
4 You … ride a horse well. (+)
5 He … drive a motorcycle. (–)
6 I … cook very well. (+)
2 Write questions and complete the short
answers in your notebook.
she / speak English?
Can she speak English?
Yes, she can.
1 they / make / good pasta?
Yes, … .
2 your dad / play a musical instrument?
No, … .
3 your teacher / use a digital whiteboard?
Yes, … .
4 your friends / ice skate?
Yes, … .
5 these athletes / run very fast?
Yes, … .
6 you / fix a car?
No, … .
3 Correct the errors in the red words. Rewrite
the whole sentences in your notebook.
I never am late for school.
I am never late for school.
1 Always I have breakfast in the morning.
2 He tidies his bedroom never.
3 We usually are in class at 9.30.
4 Often we go to the cinema.
5 She goes sometimes to ballet classes
after school.
6 They go never jogging at night.
4 Write wh - questions to the words in bold
in your notebook.
Tom goes rollerblading every day.
When does Tom go rollerblading?
1 I meet my friends on Sunday.
2 We usually come back home from school
at 6 p.m.
3 They watch TV after they do their
4 Chris tidies his room in the evening.
5 The girls do gymnastics at the sports
6 The little girl plays the piano beautifully.
5 Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions
of movement.
1 My cat climbs … the tree very fast.
2 We crossed … the bridge in the park
to get to the rollercoaster.
3 It takes 3 hours to go … Bucharest …
4 She always goes fast … the ski slope.
5 They never jump … the pool.
6 My rabbit comes … … the cage when
I call it.
6 Ask questions using the present simple.
How often / he / go / to the gym
How often does he go to the gym?
1 What / language / they / speak / in Spain
2 What / time / you / go / to bed
3 How / this computer / work
4 Why / he / ask / a lot of / questions
5 Who / he / meet / with
6 When / they / have / English / classes
Let’s sing!
Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/
Listen to ”The Favourite Sport Song For Kids”.
a) Write the sports mentioned in the song
In your notebook.
b) Bring the song to the class to sing
it together.
Find the page numbers for:
A bookcase
A laptop
Coloured toothbrushes
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Rooms and furniture
Household objects
Grammar The definite and indefinite articles
There / it
Speaking Asking for information / On a school trip
Writing My dream room – a description
At home
Competences: 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.2; 3.3; 4.1; 4.2. 79
and furniture
1 Listen and repeat the words. Match them with pictures 1–13.
armchair • bed • bookcase • chair • cooker • cupboard • desk • lamp • mirror • sofa • table •
toilet • wardrobe
2 Match the rooms with the words in exercise 1.
bathroom • bedroom • dining room • kitchen • living room
3 Listen to Regina and Liam. Where do they do their homework?
4 In pairs, find out where your partner does the actions in the box.
do homework have breakfast have dinner listen to music read watch TV
Where do you usually read? I usually read in my bedroom.
4 5
8 9
1 Read the first sentence of each paragraph in the text.
Then match headings 1–3 with paragraphs A–C.
1 The 1990s flat
2 The 1850s Victorian house
3 The 1950s semi
2 Read and listen to the text. Write the correct
answers in your notebook.
1 The houses on an English street are …
a) very similar. b) often different. c) all flats.
2 Victorian terraced houses have got …
a) fireplaces. b) windows. c) a garage.
3 The 1950s semi-detached house has usually got …
a) neighbours on both sides. b) a garage.
c) a pool.
4 Flats in old factories are often …
a) very small. b) in a city. c) expensive.
Word Check
fireplace terraced neighbours semi-detached
3 Write the answers to the questions
below in your notebook.
1 Why have Victorian terraced
houses got fireplaces?
2 Why has the 1950s
semi-detached house got
a garage?
3 Why do young people like living
in flats in the 1990s?
4 Which type of house has
neighbours on one side?
History file
Most people in Britain live in
semi-detached houses.
The Victorian era is the start of
industrial Britain and many people
move to the cities. There are many
houses from that era. There is a fireplace
in each room for heating in the 1850s.
Victorian terraced houses have
neighbours on both sides.
Semi-detached houses are very
popular in the 1950s. Downstairs,
there is usually a kitchen, a living
room and a dining room. Upstairs,
there are usually two or three
bedrooms and a bathroom. There are
more cars on the roads in the 1950s, so
these houses have usually got a garage.
On one side a neighbour’s home joins
their house.
In the 1990s, old factories in the
city are empty, so they become flats.
Young people like living near the city
centre and they rent these flats. They
are very big, but they aren’t expensive.
There isn’t a garden, but there
is a lot of space. There is a kitchen,
a bathroom and bedrooms.
On an English street, there is
often a variety of houses from
different periods of history.
Module 7 81
1 Complete the text with the, a / an.
Write it in your notebook.
Historically, (1)… black tent is (2)… home of
(3)… nomadic people of (4)… Arab world.
(5)… hair from animals is (6)… traditional
material. (7)… tents are not hot during the
day. They aren’t cold at night either. These
traditional houses are perfect for nomads
because they are not heavy. People still live
in (8)… black tent today.
2 Read the sentences choosing a, b or c.
1 I want to buy … laptop computer next week.
a) an b) a c) the
2 Can you please go to … grocery store?
a) a b) an c) the
3 Please meet me at the train station in …
a) the b) an c) a
We use the
a) when we talk about something specific or when
the same noun is mentioned the second time.
Lucy has got a funny game for her birthday.
The game is from her cousin.
b) with countries when they include the words: state,
kingdom, republic The United States, The United
Kingdom, The Czech Republic.
c) with geographical names: The Atlantic Ocean,
The Mexico Gulf.
We use a / an
a) when we talk about singular countable nouns or
we mention them for the first time
He eats a banana and an orange every day.
b) when we talk about a job or a profession.
Fiona’s father is a doctor and her mother
is an actress.
4 I like tennis. It is … great game.
a) the b) a c) an
5 How much is … holiday to Bali?
a) an b) a c) the
6 Help me choose … birthday present, please.
a) a b) an c) the
3 Write the sentences in your notebook using
the, a / an.
1 … igloo is … traditional house of … Inuit
2 Snow is … traditional material for igloos in
Canada and Greenland.
3 In other Arctic areas, bone is … main
4 … small igloo is … temporary house.
5 … big, permanent igloo is traditionally …
home of about 20 people.
Definite and indefinite articles
definite article: the
There are many flats in the UK.
The flats in old factories are not expensive.
indefinite article: a / an
There is a large garden behind my house.
There is an armchair in my bedroom.
5 Fill in the gaps with it or there to complete
the dialogue.
Rachel What’s that?
Louis (1)… is an old telephone.
Rachel But look! (2)… aren’t any buttons!
Louis I know. (3)… isn’t any button in the
old phones. (4)… is a dial, but no
Rachel That’s interesting!
Louis And look at this old black and
white TV. (5)… is my dad’s.
Rachel Where’s the remote control?
Louis (6)… isn’t a remote control for this
TV model. (7)… is a dial on the TV.
You can change the channel with it.
Rachel That’s amazing!
there / it
English sentences have a subject (except for
imperative sentences). So, if we don’t have any other
subject, we can use there or it.
We use there to introduce new information
or say that something / someone exists.
There is a coffee shop next to the station.
There’s a new student in my class.
There are blue houses on that street.
We use it with times, days and weather.
It’s two o’clock.
It’s Wednesday.
It’s cold.
3 Choose the correct form of the words in
bold. Write the sentences in your notebook.
It’s / There’s time to have a break.
It’s time to have a break.
1 It’s / There’s five o’clock in the afternoon.
2 It’s / There’s Sunday, my favourite day of
the week.
3 It’s / There’s very hot today.
4 It’s / There’s a pen on the desk.
5 It’s / There’s a large living room in my house.
6 It’s / There’s a garden behind the house.
4 Choose It’s or there’s and write correct
sentences in your notebook.
… a beautiful forest near our village.
There’s a beautiful forest near our village.
1 … a new wardrobe in the bedroom.
2 … a new film at the cinema.
3 … time to go.
4 … Friday afternoon. Time for football.
5 … tea or coffee. Which do you prefer?
6 … 8 p.m. The film starts immediately.
Module 7 83
Listening Listening
4 Listen to a radio programme about the history of the toothbrush. Copy the list
below in your notebook and number the words in the order you hear them.
a) hair from pigs b) wood from trees
c) nylon d) hair from horses
5 Listen again and write the sentences in your notebook
choosing the correct words.
1 The first toothbrushes come from Spain / Egypt.
2 The ancient Egyptian toothbrushes are made of wood / nylon.
3 The Chinese make toothbrushes with horsehair / pig hair.
4 The nylon brushes come from America / Europe in 1938.
5 Modern electric toothbrushes appeared in the shops in 1939 / 1987.
1 Listen and repeat the words.
camera • dishwasher • fridge • laptop • microwave • mp3 player • remote control • telephone •
toothbrush • washing machine
2 Match pictures 1–10 with the words in exercise 1.
3 Write the sentences word in your notebook choosing the correct words.
1 A washing machine / dishwasher cleans
2 An mp3 player / A remote control
changes channels on a TV.
3 A laptop / microwave is a portable
4 A camera / fridge makes food cold.
5 A toothbrush / telephone cleans teeth.
the order you hear them.
939 / 1987.
Speaking Speakin Speaking
Model dialogue
1 Talk about a school trip
Read the information. Choose what you want to see.
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogues.
Excuse me. Where is the Royal Library? It’s on the first floor.
Speaking Task
1 Listen to the dialogue. Where is
the gift shop?
2 Listen again and repeat the dialogue.
What time does the gift shop close?
Model Dialogue ode d a o odel dialogue odel dialoguee
Asking for information / On a school trip
3 Match 1–4 with a–d.
1 Where are
2 Is there
3 It’s next to
4 It’s on
a) a shop?
b) the toilets?
c) the first floor.
d) the café.
Excuse me. Where is the
information centre?
Thanks! And is there a gift shop?
What time does the gift shop close?
Thanks for your help.
It closes at half past five.
Yes, there is. It’s on the
first floor, beside the café.
It’s on the ground floor.
You’re welcome.
centre: 10.00–18.00
Module 7 85
A description
1 Read the Model Text and listen.
Answer the questions in your
1 What room does Molly dream about?
2 What is there in her dream room?
3 What is her favourite object? Why?
My dream room
I often dream about my perfect room. It is
enormous! There are two big windows. There is
a blue bookcase with lots of interesting books.
There is a purple wardrobe and a white laptop.
There is a fridge with my favourite food. There isn’t
a television but there is a cinema screen. There is
also a sofa bed for my friends.
My favourite object is a robot – it fi nishes my
homework and plays games with me!
Model Text
Writing Task 2 Look at the Tips. Find examples of
1 and 2 in the Model Text.
1 Adjectives go before the noun:
There is a purple wardrobe.
2 Adjectives haven’t got a plural form:
There are two big windows.
3 Rewrite the sentences below
in your notebook with the
adjectives in brackets.
There is a bookcase. (blue)
There is a blue bookcase.
1 In my bedroom, there is a desk.
2 There are two lamps. (small)
3 There are two chairs. (white)
4 There is a wardrobe. (big)
1 Plan
Make notes about your dream room and include:
Room I often dream about my perfect room.
It is …
Furniture and objects There is / are …
There isn’t / aren’t …
Favourite object My favourite object is …
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this structure:
Paragraph 1 Your dream room
Paragraph 2 Furniture and objects
Paragraph 3 Your favourite object
3 Check
is / there; there is / there are
vocabulary for rooms, furniture and household
Cu Reading Culture
Read the text and answer the questions.
1 Who lives and works at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
2 What is the original name of this house?
3 Which president changes its name to the White House?
4 Who is the first president to live there?
5 How many floors are there in the original White House?
6 What sports facilities are there today?
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the home
of the President of the USA. Its original
name is the President’s Palace. In 1901,
President Roosevelt changes its name to
the White House.
Its construction starts in 1792 and
finishes in 1800. John Adams is the first
president to live there. Today, there are
six floors and three lifts. There are also
132 rooms and 35 bathrooms.
Now, the house has also got a swimming
pool, a tennis court, a cinema and
a bowling alley.
Module 7 87
Module 7 Progress Check
Exercise no. Score
1 5 ´ 2 = 10
2 8 ´ 2 = 16
3 14 ´ 3 = 42
4 6 ´ 2 = 12
5 5 ´ 2 = 10
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
1 Look at the room plan. Write the furniture
words in your notebook.
2 Match 1–8 with a–h to make words
denoting household objects.
1 micro a) case
2 remote b) top
3 lap c) wave
4 cup d) machine
5 book e) chair
6 washing f) board
7 arm g) washer
8 dish h) control
3 Read the text below and choose A, B or C.
(1)… striking feature of North America is (2)…
vast chain of lakes which separates Canada
from (3)… United States. Lake Superior, (4)…
greatest of these onland seas, is (5)… largest
body of fresh water in (6)… world. (7)… other
principal lakes are Lakes Huron, Michigan,
Erie and Ontario; from (8)… last of which
issues (9)… noble river of St. Lawrence, which
runs (10)… uninterrupted course of seven
hundred miles before it reaches (11)… Atlantic.
There is thus (12)… continuous current from
(13)… most remote tributary of Lake Superior
to (14)… Gulf of St. Lawrence, a distance of
more than two thousand miles.
1 a an the
2 the a an
3 an the a
4 the a an
5 a an the
6 an the a
7 a an the
8 the a an
9 the an a
10 an the a
11 an a the
12 a an the
13 an the a
14 the an a
4 Fill in the gaps with It’s or There’s and write
the sentences in your notebook.
1 … a large park behind our house.
2 … sunny but cold today.
3 … a funny clown at the party.
4 … Saturday morning. We meet friends for a
tennis match.
5 … both lemon and orange juice. Which do
you prefer?
6 … 11 a.m. Kids go out to play.
5 Order the words and write the sentences
in your notebook.
1 town / my grandparents / small / live / a / in .
2 language / difficult / Chinese / is / Europeans
/ for / a .
3 usually / she / clothes / buys / fashionable .
4 is / this / story / interesting / a / very .
5 they / wonderful / visit / art galleries / during
the holidays .
Find the page numbers for:
Kids wearing party hats
An Indian couple wearing
traditional costumes
Bowling pins and ball
In this module you will learn:
Vocabulary Clothes
Weather and seasons
Grammar The imperative
Speaking Inviting a friend to a party / Going to a party
Writing Writing a postcard
Module Special
Competences: 1.3; 2.2; 2.4; 3.2; 4.1; 4.2. 89
1 Listen and repeat the words. Match them with 1–13 in the pictures.
boots • coat • dress • jacket • jeans • jumper • scarf • shirt • shorts • skirt • trainers • trousers • T-shirt
2 Match descriptions 1–4 with pictures a–f.
1 I’m at the beach wearing a skirt and a jumper.
2 This is me at a party.
3 This is me on holiday wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
4 In winter I usually wear a scarf, a jacket and boots.
3 Listen to Jasmine and Hammed. What do they wear to parties?
4 In pairs, ask and answer questions about the clothes you wear. Use the words in
the box.
to parties to weddings to school on Christmas Day at the weekend
What do you wear to parties? I wear a dress or jeans and a T-shirt.
a b c
e f
2 4
10 11
You can be sure it isn’t warm on
Bonfire Night so it’s good to wear
coats, scarves and boots.
The British celebrate Bonfire
Night on the 5th November, when
the nights are cold and dark.
People stand around bonfires,
watch fireworks and eat potatoes
and sausages. It’s a magical night
of fire and food!
Ceilidhs are traditional
dances from Scotland and
Ireland. The music is fast
and energetic so people
wear dancing shoes.
Girls wear what they want:
jeans, skirts or trousers;
boys wear kilts. A kilt is a
traditional Scottish skirt for
men and boys. It’s perfect
for dancing.
Many people in Britain have
Indian origins and they
follow different traditions
when they get married. The
traditional colour isn’t white,
it’s red, because this colour is
the symbol of new life. An
Indian bride wears a
beautiful long red sari with
red and gold jewellery and
red henna paint on her
Guidebook Word Check
energetic symbol jewellery fireworks
1 Read and listen. Then match headings 1–3
with paragraphs A–C.
1 Not all brides wear white
2 Celebrating in the cold
3 Men in skirts
2 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
1 Where do ceilidhs come from?
2 What do girls wear to a ceilidh?
3 What is the traditional colour at an Indian wedding? Why?
4 Why does the text recommend coats, hats and scarves on Bonfire Night?
5 What do people eat on Bonfire Night?
3 Find words for these definitions.
1 a traditional skirt from Scotland for men
2 a woman who gets married
3 a red substance for colouring hair or skin
4 a big fire at celebrations
Bonfire Night is a celebration which reminds
us of the failed Gunpowder Plot: an attempt
to blow up the Houses of Parliament in
London on 5th November 1605.
Module 8 91
The imperative
The imperative affirmative
Come to the Bonfire Night party!
Show me your new dress, please!
The imperative negative
Don’t go out in your T-shirt! Nights are cold here.
Don’t stay up late!
1 Write instructions matching the first column
to the second one.
1 Look at the a when it rains
2 Don’t step b candies from
3 Don’t accept c before you leave
the house
4 Take your keys d to bring the CDs
5 Don’t watch TV e late at night
6 Bring your f on the lawn
7 Take your umbrella g for the English
8 Don’t forget h to copy the
a. We use the imperative to tell someone to do or
not to do something.
b. The imperative can be used to command or to
give instructions and direct orders.
2 Put the words in the correct order and
write the instructions in your notebook.
Look at the picture below and write more
imperative sentences.
that / don’t / please / chair / sit / on.
Please don’t sit on that chair!
1 your / raise / please / hand.
2 teacher / listen / your / please / to.
3 on / please / desk / the / sit / don’t.
4 classmate / work / please / with / your.
5 play / don’t / football / the / in / classroom.
We can also use the imperative to make a request,
but we should use a polite word before the verb:
Please wait here!
5 Complete the dialogue with the correct
imperative forms of the verbs in brackets.
Fiona Hi, Jade! (1) … (Come) shopping with me!
Jade Hi, Fiona. (2) … (Wait) a minute! I have to meet
Rachel, my sister.
Fiona (3) … (Call) Rachel and (4)… (tell) her to come
with us!
Jade Hi, Rachel! (5)… (Meet) Fiona and me in front of
the department store to go shopping together.
Rachel Great! I come as fast as I can.
Please (6)… (not leave) without me!
Jade (7)… (not hurry). We have enough time.
Fiona Please (8)… (ask) Rachel to bring me the One
Direction CD.
Jade (9)… (not forget) to bring Fiona the CD!
Rachel OK. (10)… (see) you soon!
3 Read the rap and identify the
imperatives. Write them in your
Join the game rap
Come into the room
And say your name!
Shake hands with your friends
And join the game!
Don’t forget the rules!
Don’t show up late!
Listen to instructions.
Having fun is great!
4 Look at the pictures and match
them with the instructions
in the box.
Be quiet!
Take out your book!
Raise your hand!
Pay attention to the teacher!
Stand up!
Sit down!
Read the poem!
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
Module 8 93
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Listening Listening
and seasons 8b
4 Listen to the conversation. Where do Tim
and Gina go?
5 Listen again and answer the questions.
1 What do people burn on the bonfires?
2 What three activities does Gina do on the beach?
3 What do they do before going to the beach?
4 What does Gina wear?
5 Why does Tim take a jumper?
1 Listen and repeat the words.
cloudy • cold • dry • hot • rainy • snowy • stormy • sunny • warm • wet • windy
2 Match pictures 1–11 with the words in exercise 1.
3 Ask and answer questions about your favourite season.
spring summer
autumn winter
What’s your
favourite season?
It’s autumn. It’s rainy, but I
love the colour of the trees.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Model dialogue
Speakin Speaking
1 Talk about going to a party
First, choose a party.
12.30 pm–3.30 pm
7 P M – 9 P M
2 Prepare a dialogue
Look at the Model Dialogue and change the words in blue.
3 Speak
In pairs, practise your dialogues.
Let’s have a bowling party
tomorrow! Do you want to come?
Great idea! What time
does it start?
Speaking Task
1 Read the dialogue. What time does the
barbecue start?
Model Dialogue
Inviting a friend to a party / Going to a party
2 Look at the Model Dialogue and complete
the questions in your notebook.
1 … you want to come?
2 What time … it start?
3 What … does it finish?
Let’s have a barbecue tomorrow.
Do you want to come?
At one o’clock.
At about half past three.
OK. See you then.
Brilliant. See you at one o’clock.
Yes, of course! What time does
it start?
Great. And what time does it finish?
Module 8 95
A postcard
1 Read the Model Text and listen. Answer the questions in your notebook.
1 Where is Patrick?
2 How does he spend his time?
3 What’s the weather like?
2 Look at the Tips. Find examples of four
connectors in the Model Text. Which
one isn’t in the text?
Hi Mike,
I am on holiday in Edinburgh.
The train journey seems to be a bit boring because it
usually takes about six hours to get here!
Every day we see comedy shows, visit museums or go
to the circus. The weather’s fantastic. It often rains in
Edinburgh in August, but now it’s dry and sunny.
We also want to explore the mountains. It’s cold there,
so I have to remember to take my jumper and my scarf.
See you soon!
Model Text
Writing Task
1 Plan
Make notes for your postcard and include:
Where you are I am / We are …
The journey The … journey …
Your activities We …
The weather The weather is … . It’s … and …
More plans We also …
2 Write
Use the Model Text, your notes and this
Paragraph 1 where you are, the journey
Paragraph 2 the activities you do every day,
the weather
Paragraph 3 more plans, say goodbye
3 Check
correct use of present simple
vocabulary for weather and travel
connectors: and, but, so, then, because
Improve your writing by using a variety
of connectors:
and, but, so, then and because.
3 Write the sentences in your notebook
choosing the correct words.
I go to Edinburgh in August because /
but I am on holiday.
I go to Edinburgh in August because I am
on holiday.
1 He always leaves home late so / also
he takes a taxi.
2 It often rains in May but / and it is
warm and sunny today.
3 First we visit the museum, then / so we
go to the city centre.
4 They say the weather is hot and /
because dry at this time of year.
Cu Reading Culture
Read the text and write true or false in your notebook.
Correct the false sentences.
Glastonbury is only a music festival. F
Glastonbury Festival is a big cultural event.
1 It takes place in the autumn.
2 There is a lot of classical music at Glastonbury.
3 There are more than 140,000 tickets.
4 You can buy your ticket in October.
5 You have to be prepared for all types of weather.
aListen and repeat.
circus sell so stormy sun
b Listen and repeat.
1 It’s sometimes windy and stormy in summer.
2 In winter you need a scarf and warm socks.
Come to Glastonbury …
but bring an umbrella!
Glastonbury Festival is a big cultural event in Britain.
It usually takes place on the last weekend in June. There
are over 600 acts every year – rock, pop and dance music,
circus, dance shows, comedy and more.
There are 137,500 tickets that go on sale in October,
but they usually sell all of them in one day.
When you go to Glastonbury, you can take a tent, and
remember to take boots and coats because it often rains!
It’s sometimes windy and stormy too, so bring warm
clothes, but take your T-shirts and sun cream too. This
is Britain, so you never know how the weather changes!
Module 8 97
Module 8 Progress Check
Exercise no. Score
1 5 ´ 2 = 10
2 10 ´ 2 = 20
3 6 ´ 2 = 12
4 7 ´ 2 = 14
5 7 ´ 2 = 14
6 20
Total 90
Granted points 10
Final score 100
4 Write affirmative and negative imperative
sentences in your notebook.
1 … in the street. (not, to run)
2 … a sandwich if you are hungry. (to eat)
3 … the windows. (to open)
4 … your classmates when you play.
(not, to push)
5 … quietly in the classroom. (to speak)
6 … the road when the light is red. (not to cross)
7 … too late, please. (not, to come)
5 Order the words to make sentences.
Write them in your notebook.
1 forest / campfires / leave / put out / the /
when / you / the.
2 after / your / meals / teeth / brush.
3 careful / street / be / cross / when / the / you.
4 your hand / before / you / in class / answer
/ raise.
5 animals / in the zoo / the / feed / don’t.
6 mouth / speak / full / with / your / don’t.
7 on time / hand in / your / homework.
6 Write a card for a celebration: Mother’s Day
/ Easter / 1st of June / Christmas / New Year.
Write 20-30 words.
1 Complete the words with vowels.
Write them in your notebook.
1 sc rf
2 tr n rs
3 j ck t
4 T-sh rt
5 sk rt
2 Complete the crossword with words related
to clothes.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
3 Look at the map and choose the correct
words to complete the weather forecast.
Write the text in your notebook.
Although it’s June, in Britain today it’s
(1)rainy / windy and it’s (2)warm / cold.
In France it’s (3)warm / hot but
(4)stormy / cloudy. In Spain it’s (5)cold / hot all
day. In Romania it’s (6)windy / hot.
Vocabulary practice
Round up 4 (Module 7 - 8)
Rooms and furniture
1 Order the letters to make words. Follow the
lines to the furniture and write the name
of each piece in your notebook.
gilvin omro
Household objects
2 Find 7 household objects in the table and
write them in your notebook.
3 Order the letters in the same colour
squares to make 6 words. Write them
in your notebook.
4 Order the missing letters on each line to
make words. Write them in your notebook.
3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M P Q R T U V X Z
5 Complete the text with the words from
exercise 4. Write them in your notebook.
The weather is (1)… and (2)… today, so I want
to wear a (3)… and a (4)… .
When it’s (5)… and rainy, I always wear
a (6)… and take my umbrella with me.
6 Look at the pictures and find three pairs
of antonyms. Write these words in your
99 Round up 4
Grammar practice
Round up 4 (Module 7 - 8)
1 Write the sentences in your notebook
using the, a / an.
1 I work as … secretary in … office in
2 There’s … supermarket in West Street.
3 Who is … girl over there?
4 I usually have … cup of coffee in the
5 What’s … capital of Spain?
6 My father is … engineer. He works in …
big factory.
7 Can you switch off … TV, please?
8 Alan enjoys going to … cinema.
2 Read the sentences choosing A, B or C.
1 I want to buy … TV next week.
A) an B) a C) the
2 Can you please go to … grocer’s shop
and buy two bags of flour?
A) a B) an C) the
3 Please meet me at the post office in …
A) the B) an C) a
4 I like watching … football matches on
the sports channel.
A) the B) a C) an
5 How much does it cost to take … trip to
A) an B) a C) the
6 Can you please help me to buy …
birthday present for my sister?
A) a B) an C) the
3 Choose the correct form of the words
in bold and write the sentences in your
1 It’s / There’s six o’clock in the afternoon.
2 It’s / There’s Saturday, my favourite day of
the week.
3 It’s / There’s windy and very cold today.
4 It’s / There’s a green pencil on the desk.
5 It’s / There’s a large attic in my house.
6 It’s / There’s an orchard behind the
4 Choose It’s or There’s and write the correct
sentences in your notebook.
1 … a new play at the theatre.
2 … a new bed in the bedroom.
3 … time to leave.
4 … an excellent idea to go riding.
5 … 7 p.m. The concert starts immediately.
6 … pizza and pasta. Which do you prefer?
7 … a beautiful park in front of our school.
8 … Friday morning. Time for the driving
5 Write affirmative and negative imperative
sentences in your notebook.
1 … to Sandra. (to speak)
2 … to the board please. (not, to come)
3 … your textbooks. (to open)
4 … the door. (not, to push)
5 … English in the classroom. (to speak)
6 … two liters of water every day. (to drink)
7 … the road on the zebra. (to cross)
8 … in the street. (not, to run)
9 … on the grass. (not, to walk)
10 … your surname on the final paper.
(to write)
6 Match the two columns and write the full
instructions in your notebook.
1 Turn on the lights a) when it rains
2 Don’t shout b) in the and
3 Don’t walk c) when you enter
the room
4 Don’t stay up d) late at night
5 Don’t let the e) on the grass
window open f) for the Art class
Let’s sing!
Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/
Listen to ”The seasons song”.
a) Copy the lyrics describing your favourite
season in your notebook.
b) Bring the song to the class to sing it
2 Work in small groups. Design your own calendar with celebrations
in Romania and all over the world.
Calendar of celebrations in the UK
1 Read the information in the calendar and match the celebrations with the pictures.
Collaborative project 3 page 114
In small groups make a poster about a famous historic monument.
New Year’s Day – January 1st.
People make New Year’s
resolutions or promises
to themselves as a chance
for a fresh start.
Halloween – October 31st. People
lit lanterns and wear costumes and
masks to keep the ghosts away.
Children go ’’trick-or-treating’’.
Guy Fawkes’ night – November 5th. People
burn a dummy on a bonfire and commemorate
the Gunpowder Plot, a failed conspiracy to
blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.
Christmas – December 25th. Santa Claus, presents,
Christmas trees, carols, turkey and pudding. Every
year the people of Norway give the city of London
a present – a big Christmas tree.
St. Valentine’s Day –
February 14th. It’s a holiday
of romance when people
send Valentine cards to
their loved ones.
The Notting Hill Carnival – end of
August. It is Europe’s biggest street
festival with fantastic live music,
delicious food and drinks and colourful
Carribean costumes.
St. Patrick’s Day – March 17. It’s
the celebration of St. Patrick,
patron of Ireland. People wear
green and the shamrock, the
symbol of Ireland.
Henley Royal Regatta –
beginning of July. It is the most
famous regatta in the world.
The best rowers compete on the
river Thames.
April Fool’s Day – April 1st.
It is sometimes referred to
as All Fools Day, when
people play practical jokes
on each other.
Trooping the Colour – mid –
June. The official birthday of Queen
Elizabeth II is marked by a military
parade also known as Carrying
of the Flag.
May Day - May
1st. People
celebrate the
coming of
dances around
maypoles and
they crown
a May Queen.
Harvest Festival –
end of September.
It is a celebration
of the food, when
all the crops are
harvested. People
Writing Guide 1
Text type: A description of a person
TASK Write a description of a person. Follow the steps below.
1 Read the Model Text and
choose the correct photo.
2 Read the Model Text again and choose the correct words.
Age: 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Height: short / tall
Hair: dark / fair
straight / wavy / curly
short / long
Eyes: big / small
blue / brown / green
Glasses: yes / no
Nose: big / small
Mouth: big / small
3 Read the Model Text again and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).
Milly’s got wavy hair. T / F
1 She hasn’t got glasses. T / F
2 She isn’t tall. T / F
3 She hasn’t got a big mouth. T / F
4 She’s got green eyes. T / F
My friend Milly
This is a photo of my friend, Milly. She’s 13 years old
and she’s very short. She’s got long fair hair and it’s very
straight. She’s got big brown eyes and she’s got glasses.
She’s got a small nose and a small mouth, too.
a b c
2 plan YOUR TEXT
Think of a friend or look at the picture. Then choose
the correct words.
Age: 12 /13 /14 /15
Height: short /tall
Hair: dark /fair
straight / traight wavy /curly
short /long
Eyes: big /small
blue /brown / brown green
Glasses: yes /no
Nose: big /small
Mouth: big /small
Now use the information from Step 2 and write the description
in your notebook.
My friend’s name is (1)… . He’s / She’s (2)… years old and he’s / she’s (3)… . He’s /
She’s got (4)… (5)… hair and it’s (6)… . He’s / She’s got (7)… (8)… eyes and he / she (9)…
glasses. He’s / She’s got a (10)… nose and a (11)… mouth.
3 write YOUR TEXT
In your notebook write a description of another friend or a family member.
4 check YOUR TEXT
Check your:
l Grammar l Vocabulary l Spelling
Writing Guide 1 103
Writing Guide 2
Text type: Writing a blog
TASK Write a blog entry. Follow the steps below.
1 Read the Model Text. What is Eleanor’s favourite food?
Has your friend got a healthy lifestyle?
Does he/she eat well? Is he/she active?
RosieB_13 12th January 12.34
My healthy friend
My friend Eleanor is very healthy. She
eats lots of fruit and vegetables.
Eleanor doesn’t like coffee, but she loves
water. For breakfast, she drinks hot
chocolate and she eats bread.
Eleanor doesn’t like cooking, but she
likes eating. She eats pasta and cakes.
She eats Italian, French and Spanish
food. Her favourite food is spaghetti.
Rosie, age 13
2 Read the Model Text again and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).
Rosie thinks that Eleanor is healthy. T / F
1 Eleanor doesn’t drink hot drinks. T / F
2 She has bread for breakfast. T / F
3 She doesn’t like cooking. T / F
4 She hates cakes. T / F
5 She likes Spanish food. T / F
Notice the use of the words and and but
in the Model Text.
2 plan YOUR TEXT
Look at the notes about Daniel.
Daniel: healthy l: healthy
eats a lot of: apples, pasta ats a lot of: apples, pasta
doesn’t like: cake oesn’t like: cake
loves: milk oves: milk
breakfast: tea and bread reakfast: tea and bread
doesn’t like: listening to music oesn’t like: listening to music
likes: reading ikes: reading
favourite food: ice cream avourite food: ice cream
hates: orange juice orange juice
Now use the information from Step 2
and write this blog about Daniel
in your notebook.
1 My friend Daniel is very (1)healthy. He eats a lot of (2)… and (3)… .
2 Daniel doesn’t like (4)… , but he loves (5)… . For breakfast, he drinks (6)… and he
eats (7)… .
3 Daniel doesn’t like (8)… , but he likes (9)… . His favourite food is (10)… . He hates
(11)… .
3 write YOUR TEXT
Write a blog entry about another person in your notebook.
4 check YOUR TEXT
Check your:
l Grammar l Vocabulary l Spelling
Writing Guide 2 105
Writing Guide 3
Text type: A school essay
TASK Write a school essay. Follow the steps below.
1 Read the Model Text. What type of school does Adam go to?
2 Read the Model Text again and name the things Adam likes doing.
1 singing
2 playing football
3 playing the guitar
4 reading
5 listening to music
6 writing e-mails
A Day in the Life of … Adam Sadler
Adam Sadler is 14 years old and he’s from
London. He is a student at Redroofs Theatre
School because he likes singing and playing
the guitar.
Adam starts school at half past eight in the
morning. He gets up at six o’clock every day
because he likes playing the guitar before
school. He writes music then because he has
lots of good ideas in the morning.
In his free time, Adam writes song lyrics for his
music. He also listens to the Arctic Monkeys on
his mp3 player because he loves their music.
3 Read the Model Text again and complete the answers to the questions below in your notebook.
Where is Adam from?
Adam is from London.
1 Where does he go to school?
He goes to … .
2 What time does Adam get up?
He gets up at … .
3 What time does Adam start school?
He starts school at … .
4 When does Adam write music?
He writes music … .
5 Why does he listen to the Arctic Monkeys?
He listens to the Arctic Monkeys because … .
Notice the use of the word because
in the Model Text.
Ramona Drew
Age: 15
From: London
Scho ol: Redro ofs T heatre Scho ol
Likes: acting and singing
Gets up: seven o’clock
Starts scho ol: half past eight
In her free time: sings in the music
ro om, listens to Adele – great singer
2 plan YOUR TEXT
Look at the notes about Ramona.
Now use the information from Step 2
and write this text about Ramona
in your notebook.
1 Ramona Drew is (1)15 years old and she’s from (2)… . She is a student at (3)… because she
likes (4)… and (5)… .
2 She gets up at (6)… every day. Ramona (7)… at half past eight.
3 In her free time, Ramona (8)… . She also (9)… because Adele is a (10)… .
3 write YOUR TEXT
Write a text about another person in your notebook.
4 check YOUR TEXT
Check your:
l Grammar l Vocabulary l Spelling
Writing Guide 3 107
Writing Guide 4
Text type: An e-mail
TASK Write an e-mail. Follow the steps below.
1 Read the Model Text. Where does David do
karate? Does he like it? To: Elena
From: David
Subject: My Favourite Sport
Hi, Elena! This is a photo of me doing karate.
I think karate’s an exciting sport. I go to
a karate club at our sports centre every
Monday. I’m new to this sport, so I’m not
very good.
I usually wear a karategi every time I go to
the club. I’m a beginner, so I wear an orange
belt. My teacher’s brilliant at karate, so he
wears a black belt.
Karate is fun and it isn’t difficult, so it’s a
good sport to learn.
2 Match the sentence halves and write them in your notebook.
1 David’s teacher wears a black belt because c
2 David isn’t very good at karate because
3 Karate is a good sport to learn because
a) he’s learning the sport.
b) it’s fun and it isn’t difficult.
c) he’s very good at karate.
3 Read the Model Text again and answer the questions in your notebook.
What sport is exciting? karate
1 Who is not very good at karate? …
2 What is orange? …
3 Who is brilliant at karate? …
4 What is black? …
5 What is fun and not difficult? …
Notice the use of the word so in the
Model Text.
2 plan YOUR TEXT
Look at the interview with Gina. • Who are you? ho are you?
I’m Gina.
• What’s your favourite sport? What’s your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is basketball.
• Where do you do it? Where do you do it?
We play it in the school gym.
• When do you do it? hen do you do it?
We play matches against other schools on
Saturday mornings.
• Are you good at it? Are you good at it?
We’re a good team – we usually win!
• What do you wear to play it? What do you wear to play it?
We wear our PE uniform.
• Why do you like it? hy do you like it?
It’s fast and really exciting.
Now use the information from Step 2
and write Gina’s e-mail
in your notebook.
1 Hi! I’m Gina. This is a photo of me. My favourite sport is (1)basketball.
We play basketball in (2)… . We play matches against other schools on (3)… . We’re a good
team – we (4)… .
2 In the photo, I’m wearing my (5)… . I wear it every time I play basketball.
3 I like playing basketball because it’s (6)… and (7)… .
3 write YOUR TEXT
Write your own e-mail in your notebook.
4 check YOUR TEXT
Check your:
l Grammar l Vocabulary l Spelling
Writing Guide 4 109
Life Skills Collaborative Project 1
TASK Make a poster about your favourite singer or group.
1 Ideas
3 Write
Write a short text about your singer
or group using your notes.
Our favourite singer is Beyoncé. She’s
American. Her music is R&B, soul and pop.
She’s got brown hair and brown eyes. She’s
beautiful. Beyoncé is married to Jay-Z.
They’ve got a
Blue Ivy.
Which artist does everyone in
your group like? Choose one
artist and write notes:
• name
• nationality
• type of music
• appearance
• other information
2 Group Work Who is your favourite singer or group?
Why do you like him / her / them?
Write notes:
Name Beyoncé
Nationality American
Type of music R&B, soul, pop
Appearance brown hair, brown
eyes, beautiful
Other information: age,
family and favourite
married to Jay-Z,
daughter Blue
5 Pictures ictures
Find photos or draw pictures of your
favourite singer or group.
Make a poster. Include your texts,
photos and pictures. Present your
project to the class.
6 Display
life skills ife skills
Be patient with others.
Patience is a life skill.
4 Check
Read your text and check it for:
• capital letters
• apostrophes (’s/s’)
• spelling
• grammar
Draw the smiley face that describes your and your group’s life skills.
= Very good = Good = Needs more work
You Your group
Working with other students
Completing work on time
Taking good notes
Enjoy doing the project
Helping other students
Working hard
Following all the steps
Check your life skills! heck your life skills!
Life Skills Collaborative Project 2
TASK Make a poster about nature in your area.
3 Write
Write a short text about the place using your
Our favourite natural place is the national park.
There’s a river and a lake and there’s a big forest with
lots of old trees. There are also some mountains.
There’s snow on them, even in summer!
You can climb the mountains or go on the lake
in a boat. You can also have a picnic and
go for a walk or go cycling in the forest.
The national park is special because there aren’t any
cars or buildings. It’s very beautiful and quiet there.
1 Ideas
What natural places are there where
you live?
Have you got a favourite natural place?
Which one is it?
What is it? the national park
What landscape
features are there? a river, a lake, a big
forest with lots of old
trees, mountains
What can you do / see
there? climb the mountains, go
on the lake in a boat,
have a picnic, walk or go
cycling in the forest
What’s special about it? it’s very beautiful, quiet
no cars or buildings
Which natural places does
everyone in your group like?
Choose a place and write notes:
• what is it?
• what landscape features are
• what can you do / see there?
• what’s special about it?
2 Group Work
5 Pictures ictures
Find photos or draw pictures of the
Make a poster. Include your texts,
photos and pictures. Present your
project to the class.
6 Display
Draw the smiley face that describes your and your group’s life skills.
= Very good = Good = Needs more work
You Your group
Working with other students
Completing work on time
Taking good notes
Enjoy doing the project
Helping other students
Working hard
Following all the steps
Check your life skills! heck your life skills!
life skills ife skills
Protect natural places.
Social responsibility is
a life skill.
4 Check
Read your text and check it for:
• spelling
• punctuation
• grammar
• paragraphs
Life Skills Collaborative Project 3
TASK Make a poster about your favourite historic monument.
3 Write
Write a short text about your monument using your
Our favourite monument is Bran Castle near Brasov.
It’s on a hill in Bran, in Brasov county. It is a former fortress
built in the 14th century. It becomes a royal residence in
1920. It’s a very special place because it’s very old and there
are lots of interesting rooms. The park surrounding the
castle is very beautiful. There’s an open air museum with
traditional peasant cottages and barns. You can do a lot of
things there: explore the rooms and the museum and see
amazing views of the surrounding mountains and hills.
You can also buy souvenirs in the shop.
Which historic monuments does
everyone in your group like? Choose
one monument and write notes:
• where is it?
• what type of monument is it?
• when did they build it?
• what’s special about it?
• what can you see and do there?
2 Group Work
1 Ideas
What historic monuments are there in the UK?
How about Romania?
Which one is your favourite? Why do you like it?
Name Bran Castle
Where is it? Bran, near Brasov
on a hill
What type of
monument is it? Castle,
former fortress
When did they
build it? built in the 14th century,
becomes a royal residence
in 1920
What’s special
about it? old, lots of interesting rooms,
open air museum, park
What can you
see and do
Explore the rooms
and the museum, see views
of surrounding mountains,
buy souvenirs
5 Pictures ictures
Find photos or draw pictures of your
favourite monument.
Make a poster. Include your texts,
photos and pictures. Present your
project to the class.
6 Display
4 Check
Read your text and check it for:
• spelling
• punctuation
• grammar
• paragraphs
life skills ife skills
Finish your work on time.
Time management is a
life skill.
Draw the smiley face that describes your and your group’s life skills.
= Very good = Good = Needs more work
You Your group
Working with other students
Completing work on time
Taking good notes
Enjoy doing the project
Helping other students
Working hard
Following all the steps
Check your life skills! heck your life skills!
Final re inal revision 1 vision 1
Vocabulary ocabulary
You can buy magazines in a n… .
They’re a small, red
fruit. S…
This is my mum and dad.
They are my p… .
Washington DC is the
capital of the U… .
There is a lot of sand on a b… .
Kangaroos have got a long t… .
We p… football in the park.
She’s got big brown e… .
Adam and Tom are b…s.
He’s got short f… hair.
Work with a partner to complete the sentences in your notebooks. Who finishes first?
Final revision 1
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs be or have got:
1 I … cold.
2 I … a cold.
3 He … a little hungry.
4 He … a lot of money.
5 These students … very smart.
6 Thomas … two children.
7 Mary … 24 years old.
8 The athletes … tired.
2 Order the words to make questions.
Then write answers that are true for you
in your notebook.
1 your name / is / What / ?
2 from / Where / you / are / ?
3 old / you / are / How / ?
4 you / got / any brothers or sisters / Have / ?
5 your / Who / is / friend / best / ?
6 you / to music / like listening / Do / ?
3 Complete the text with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets.
Peter Moore (1)… (come) from Northern
Ireland. He (2)… (not go) to a normal school,
he (3)… (go) to a music school. Peter (4)…
(play) the trombone. His parents (5)… (play)
the French horn. They (6)… (love) music.
Peter (7)… (want) to be a professional
musician. In his free time, Peter (8)… (like)
playing football.
4 Choose the correct word.
1 My mum’s name is Lauren. She / Her is
from Scotland.
2 They have got three child / children.
3 Mouse / Mice have got four legs.
4 We love ride / riding our bikes.
5 I like play / playing football.
6 My brother often plays tennis with
he / his friends.
5 Complete the sentences with the words
and phrases in the box.
a an any in behind
some there is there isn’t
there are there aren’t
1 … some
2 There is …
3 … a mountain.
4 There are …
5 There isn’t …
6 There is … cinema.
7 … a shop.
8 … any waves.
9 The dolphins are
… the water.
10 The cinema is …
the gift shop.
6 Rewrite the sentences below in your
notebook using the adverbs of frequency
in brackets.
1 My uncle studies marine life. (usually)
2 He works in China. (sometimes)
3 He travels to other countries. (often)
4 My cousins travel with him. (never)
5 They have a party on his return. (always)
Final revision 1 117
Work with a partner and complete the sentences in your notebook. Who finishes first?
Look in the m… to see your hair.
Snowboarding isn’t easy; it’s d… .
I wear b… on my feet in winter.
You s… goals to win
football matches.
A w… … cleans clothes.
In our l… class we study Caragiale.
We wear a s… when it’s cold.
A… is my favourite season.
Final re inal revision 2 vision 2
Vocabulary ocabulary
Final revision 2
1 Complete the sentences with a, an, some
or any. Write them in your notebook.
1 There is … beautiful river near my house.
2 There aren’t … good beaches in this area.
3 I’m buying … biscuits for Tony.
4 Have we got … fruit?
5 Can I have … milk for breakfast?
2 Write the sentences in your notebook
using the adverbs of frequency and the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I / tired after school. (sometimes, be)
2 He / at seven o’clock. (always, get up)
3 We / our rooms on Saturdays. (often, tidy)
4 They / dinner at half past six.
(usually, have)
5 She / the piano. (never, play)
3 Complete the questions with the correct
1 How often … you go to the beach?
2 … your mum usually swim in the sea?
3 … she swim well? Yes, she can.
4 What … she do on Sundays?
5 … there a museum near here?
4 Copy and complete the sentences
choosing A, B or C.
1 This is … beautiful painting.
A) an B) a C) the
2 Can you help me with … shopping,
A) a B) an C) the
3 Let’s meet in front of the cinema in …
A) the B) an C) a
4 How long does it take to climb to … top
of the mountain?
A) an B) a C) the
5 I like watching films on TV. It is … very
relaxing activity.
A) the B) a C) an
5 Choose It’s or There’s and write the
sentences in your notebook.
1 … an interesting film on TV.
2 … a new bookcase in the livingroom.
3 … time to go to bed.
4 … Saturday morning. Time for the gym
5 … 5 p.m. The film starts immediately.
6 Write affirmative and negative imperative
sentences in your notebook.
1 … to David. (to speak)
2 … to the board please. (to come)
3 … the window. (not, to open)
4 … the door. (not, to close)
5 … loudly in the classroom. (not, to speak)
6 … something if you are hungry. (to eat )
7 Put the words in the correct order to make
sentences. Write them in your notebook.
1 on TV / watch / often / tennis matches / I.
2 he / Does / run / on Sundays / in the park ?
3 speak / can’t / Chinese / Maria .
4 don’t / We / in Italy / go skiing / usually .
5 neighbourhood / park / a new / There is / in
my .
6 may / Students / not / football / in the
classroom / play .
Let’s sing!
Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/
Listen to Celebration – Song Around The World
a) Learn the song.
b) Perform the song in groups during the
English class.
119 Final revision 2
Having fun with English!
A limerick is a nonsense poem in 5 lines
that tells a story with a surprise ending.
It is often funny.
Little Lousie Lue
Has nothing whatever to do,
So she sits on the stairs
And counts out hairs:
There is a young lady from Niger
Who smiles as she rides on a tiger.
After the ride
She is inside,
And the smile is on the face of the tiger.
A tongue twister is a form of wordplay,
that is difficult to pronounce properly.
Tongue twisters
Ann and Andy’s anniversary is in April.
Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?
A big black bug bits a big black dog on
its big black nose!
She sells sea-shells by the sea shore.
Can you can a can as a
canner can can a can?
Pete, please pass the plate of peas!
Q: What letter of the alphabet
is an insect?
A: B. (bee)
Q: What letter is a part of the head?
A: I. (eye)
Q: What letter is a drink?
A: T. (tea)
Q: What is the end of everything?
A: The letter ”g”.
Q: What is white when it’s dirty
and black when it’s clean?
A: A blackboard.
Little Johnny: Teacher, can I go
to the bathroom?
Teacher: Little Johnny, MAY I go to
the bathroom?
Little Johnny: But I asked first!
A: Just look at that young person
with the short hair and blue
jeans. Is it a boy or a girl?
B: It’s a girl. She’s my daughter.
A: Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know
that you are her father.
B: I’m not. I’m her mother.
Teacher: Your composition on ‘Our cat’
is the same as your brother’s.
Student: Oh, yes! It’s the same cat!
Teacher: Tell me a sentence that
starts with an ‘I’.
Student: I is the....
Teacher: Stop! Never put ‘is’ after an ‘I’.
Always put ‘am’ after an ‘I’.
Student: OK. I am the ninth letter
of the alphabet.
Now, you read and say!
Module 1 Language Reference Module 1 Language Reference Module 1 LanguageReference
Vocabulary Countries and nationalities
Australia – Australian
Canada – Canadian
China – Chinese*
Colombia – Colombian
Ecuador – Ecuadorian
France – French*
Ireland – Irish*
Japan – Japanese*
Mexico – Mexican
Morocco – Moroccan
Portugal – Portuguese*
Romania – Romanian*
Spain – Spanish*
the UK – British
the USA – American
* These words are also languages.
Grammar be: present simple
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short answers
I am Irish. I am not Irish. Are you Irish? Yes, I am.
He / She / It is Irish. He / She / It is not Irish. Is he / she / it Irish? No, he / she / it isn’t.
We / You / They are
We / You / They are not
Are we / you / they Irish? Yes, we / you / they are.
Subject pronouns and
possessive adjectives
I my
you your
he his
she her
it its
we our
you your
they their
Question words
Question words
What is your name? Who is your favourite actor?
Where are you from? Why?
When is your birthday? How are you?
Speaking Exchanging personal
What’s your name?
How old are you?
Where are you from?
My name’s Jacob.
I’m 13 years old.
I’m from Australia.
grandad grandma
uncle aunt
cousin cousin
dad mum
brother sister me!
Module 2 Language Reference
Vocabulary Parts of the body
Adjectives of physical description blue brown curly dark fair green long
short straight tall wavy
Grammar have got
Affirmative Negative
I / You have got long hair. I have not got long hair.
He / She / It has got long hair. He / She / It has not got long hair.
We / You / They have got long hair. We / You / They have not got long hair.
Interrogative Short answers
Have I / you got long hair? Yes, I / you have.
Has he / she / it got long hair? No, he / she / it hasn’t.
Have we / you / they got long hair? Yes, we / you / they have.
Singular and plural nouns
For most nouns add -s Nouns ending in consonant +y, add -ies
rabbit – rabbits baby – babies
Nouns ending in -ch, -s, -sh, -x and -z add -es Irregular plurals
fox – foxes child – children foot – feet
Some nouns ending in -o add -es tooth – teeth man – men
potato – potatoes woman – women mouse – mice
Speaking Giving instructions
First, give it food in the morning.
Second, take it for a walk in the evening.
Finally, brush it at the weekend.
ear eye face finger foot
hair hand leg mouth
neck nose tail thumb toe tooth
Module 3 Language Reference
Vocabulary Food
apple bread cake carrots cheese
fish ice cream meat milk nuts
pasta potatoes strawberries yoghurt
Free-time activities go shopping listen to music meet my friends play football
read comics ride my bike stay up late surf the internet
talk on the phone watch TV
Grammar Present simple
Affirmative Negative
I / You eat fruit. I do not eat fruit.
He / She / It eats fruit. He / She / It does not eat fruit.
We / You / They eat fruit. We / You / They do not eat fruit.
Interrogative Short answers
Do I / you eat fruit? Yes, I / you do.
Does he / she / it eat fruit? No, he / she / it doesn’t.
Do we / you / they eat fruit? Yes, we / you / they do.
love, like, don’t like, hate + -ing
love, like, don’t like, hate + -ing
I love surfing the net.
I like surfing the net.
I do not like surfing the net.
I hate surfing the net.
? Do you like surfing the net?
Subject and object pronouns
Subject pronouns Object pronouns
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
Speaking Ordering food they them
Hello. Can I help you? Can I have a ham sandwich, please?
Sure. Anything else? No, thanks. How much is that?
That’s £4.50, please. Here you are.
Module 4 Language Reference
Vocabulary Places in town
chemist church cinema hotel library
museum newsagent restaurant school shoe shop
shopping centre sports centre supermarket underground station
Landscape features beach forest ice island lake mountain river sand
snow trees water waves
Grammar there is / there are
Singular Plural
Affirmative There is a tree. There are some trees.
Negative There is not a tree. There are not any trees.
Interrogative Is there a tree? Are there any trees?
Short answers Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
a / an, some, any
Countable Uncountable
Affirmative There is a lake.
There are some lakes. There is some snow.
Negative There is not a lake.
There are not any lakes. There is not any snow.
Interrogative Is there a lake?
Are there any lakes? Is there any snow?
Prepositions of place behind between in in front of near on
Speaking Making suggestions
Module 5 Language Reference
Vocabulary Daily routines
get up have a shower get dressed start school finish school
do homework play the piano have dinner tidy your room go to bed
School subjects art and design drama English French geography
history ICT literature maths music PE science
Grammar can
Affirmative Negative
I / You can dance. I / You cannot dance.
He / She / It can dance. He / She / It cannot dance.
We / You / They can dance. We / You / They cannot dance.
Interrogative Short answers
Can I / you dance? Yes, I / you can.
Can he / she / it dance? No, he / she / it can’t.
Can we / you / they dance? Yes, we / you / they can.
Adverbs of frequency
I am never late for school.
He sometimes writes music too.
She often goes to bed late.
They usually get up at seven o’clock.
We always do our homework.
Speaking Talking to a ticket seller
Can I help you? Yes. Have you got two tickets for the musical?
Yes, we have. That’s £20, please. Here you are. What time does it start?
On Saturdays it starts at eight o’clock. OK, thanks.
Module 6 Language Reference
Vocabulary Sport
catch dance dive hit jump
kick lose run score
shout throw train walk win
Adjectives of opinion amazing boring dangerous difficult
easy exciting fun interesting
Grammar Present simple with wh - questions
People Who Who do you play tennis with?
Who runs the Marathon?
Objects What
What programmes do you watch
on TV?
Which sport does he like: tennis
or football?
Places Where Where do you live? In London.
Time When
What time
When do they go on holiday?
What time does the match start?
In July.
At 8 p.m.
Manner How How do they run? Fast.
Reason Why Why do you go to the gym every
Because I
want to be fit.
Prepositions of movement
up down over into out of from … to
Speaking Making arrangements
Do you want to come to a football match? OK. When does it start?
The match starts at three o’clock. Let’s meet at two o’clock then.
Module 7 Language Reference
Vocabulary Rooms and furniture
armchair bed bookcase chair cooker
cupboard desk lamp mirror
sofa table toilet wardrobe
Household objects camera dishwasher fridge laptop microwave mp3 player
remote control telephone toothbrush washing machine
Grammar Definite and indefinite articles
definite article: the
There are many flats in the UK.
The flats in old factories are not expensive.
indefinite article: a / an
There is a large garden behind my house.
There is an armchair in my bedroom.
there / it
There is a coffee shop next to the station. It’s two o’clock.
There’s a new student in my class. It’s Wednesday.
There are blue houses on that street. It’s cold.
There is a purple wardrobe.
There are two big windows.
Speaking Asking for information
Excuse me. Where is the information centre? It’s on the ground floor.
And is there a gift shop? Yes, there is. It’s on the first floor.
What time does the gift shop open / close? It opens / closes at half past five.
We use the
a) when we talk about something
specific or when the same noun is
mentioned the second time.
Lucy has got a funny game for her
The game is from her cousin.
b) with countries when they include
the words: state, kingdom, republic
The United States, The United
Kingdom, The Czech Republic.
c) with geographical names: The
Atlantic Ocean, The Mexico Gulf.
We use a / an
a) when we talk about singular
countable nouns or we mention
them for the first time
He eats a banana and an orange
every day.
b) when we talk about a job or a
Fiona’s father is a doctor and her
mother is an actress.
Module 8 Language Reference
Vocabulary Clothes
boots coat dress jacket jeans
shirt shorts skirt
jumper trainers trousers T-shirt scarf
Weather and seasons cloudy cold dry hot rainy snowy
stormy sunny warm wet windy
spring summer autumn winter
Grammar The imperative
The imperative affirmative
Come to the Bonfire Night party!
Show me your new dress, please!
The imperative negative
Don’t go out in your T-shirt! Nights are cold here.
Don’t stay up late!
Speaking Inviting a friend to a party
Let’s have a barbecue tomorrow.
Do you want to come? Great idea! What time does it start?
At one o’clock. OK. And what time does it finish?
Manualul tipărit
este însoțit de un CD care
cuprinde varianta digitală, având
un conținut similar variantei tipărite.
În plus, pe CD se găsesc o serie
de activităţi multimedia interactive
de învăţare (exerciţii interactive,
jocuri educaţionale, animaţii,
filme, simulări).
Manual pentru clasa a V-a ISBN 978-606-33-2023-1
Tradit,ie din 1989
Limba modernă
2 – Limba engleză clasa a V-a
Limba modernă 2
Limba engleză