This page have 2 textbooks from Bulgaria/България (English/Английски and Française/Френски)
[Click here for Bulgarian / български]

The 'energized' student textbook with QR Code and audio, as in ESTONIA and INDIA, is a chance at education for children from BULGARIA

Magic "Read Along" App by Google

Any manual can be opened quickly by scanning a QR Code or link with the last 5 digits of the ISBN (printed on the back cover or on the back of the title page). The page number can also be added, for example:

English-Bulgarian Vocabulary

Click on the cover below and you will be able to read and listen to the manual, even on your mobile phone

Students' Books for the 4th grade

Hello! Учебник по английски език за 1. клас - New Edition
Емилия Колева, Елка Ставрева
Prosveta Publishing House (Просвета)
ISBN  9789540138145  978-954-0138-14-5  38145


ISBN  9789540122113  978-954-0122-11-3  22113

To add other manuals, please send an email to / SMS to 0040720501201 / 00447404626484, containing the last 5 digits of the ISBN (printed on the back cover or on the back of the title page)

For details, contact us at Phone 0040720501201 / 00447404626484 or email